Part 22

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Leo's Pov, 

Walking up the stairs I soon see a old House Elf cleaning something. "I uhm hi? I'm looking for my room." I say and he turns towards me as he looks less than pleased. "Leonidas maybe that helps." I add and he looks now in surprise. 

"Kreacher lives to serve the Noble and Ancient house Black...... first door on the left Master." He says as he points down a hallway and I give him a nod. "Thank you." I say with before walking in the direction. 

Seeing the black plague on the door I let my fingers move over it. Leonidas James Regulus Black is on it in golden letters making me sigh before slowly opening the door, seeing the nursery I take a step in before looking around...... it looks untouched. 

Seeing the crib there I walk over to it as a blanket it put over the railing picking it up I let my fingers move over the soft fabric as my name is embryoid in it. Putting it down again I release a breath I didn't know I was holding as I look around. 

This was my room...... this was my home. It's where they used to hold me, where my birth mother would sing for me and..... and comfort me when I cried, it's where memories were supposed to be made, where I was supposed to grow up with a sibling a father and my real mother, and it was all taken from us. 

"We can do some changes make it more to your age, Remus should be stopping by soon." The voice of Sirius says and I turn in his direction to see him leaning against the door post with a sad smile. 

"On the graveyard he..... he told me something." I softly begin as I let my gray eyes meet his. "He told me that he gave her a chance to stop away.......... that he would let her and the child in her stomach live if she stepped aside, is it true?" I ask him just above a whisper making the man step forward as he places his hands on my shoulders while I look down in shame. 

"She was, Leo, but you must listen to me. Your mother would have always put herself in front of you; it's our duty as parents to ensure our children are safe," Sirius says, squeezing my shoulders firmly.

"So, she chose one child over the other? How is that fair... they both died because of me," I utter, shaking my head as the tears in my eyes, threatening to spill down my cheeks. "Their death wasn't your fault, Leonidas. How could you have prevented it? If she were here, she would tell you the same. Your mother's love for you was boundless; she would have given her life a million times over to protect you from harm," he says, and I brush away the tear that trickles down my cheek.

"They will always be with us... right here," he says, placing his hand over my heart, prompting a grunt from me. "Come on, man, I'm wounded," I mumble, and he lets out a chuckle, one that I can't help but join in on.

"So you and Hermione?" 

"I don't know what your talking about, now I'm hungry so I'm going to find some food." I say as I walk out of the room again and down the stairs. 

Some Day's Later, 

Sitting in the dining room with the News Paper in hand I roll my eyes, I got in a accident the Ministry says and Harry's a bloody liar........... people are starting to go missing it's all just a bloody mess right now.

Hearing the door open I look up from the news paper to see Mad Eye, Remus and Tonks? "Well well well look what the cat dragged in." I say as I put the paper down and look at the three of them. "Should you be out of bed?" 

"Merlin's beard Leo! I leave school and you get in all this trouble." Tonks says making me chuckle. "Next time I'll send you an owl. Well to be honest I don't have an owl but you know, but what made you bless me with your presence?" 

"At least we know who his father is." Mad Eye mumbles making me flip him off. "Official Order Business so up to your room." He says and I can't and I mean I really can't stop the laughter that leaves my lips. 

"Ow Moody you're so funny, we would have gotten along great last year well if you made it to teaching. But if you think I'm going to sit upstairs in my room you'll have another thing coming for you." I say as the fireplace colors green as I see Severus and Mother would out of the flames. 

"Miner-" Mad eye starts before I cut him off as I stand up. "No, you're not going to send me to my room like I'm some kid. I think I stopped being a boy when I fought Quirrell, or when I spend months in the Chamber of Secrets ow let's not forget the Dementors or wait! The fucking Tri-wizard championship where snake face and frozen bitch almost killed me. So don't think I'm going up to my 'room' and sit there like a good little boy." I bite his way and he raises his brow at me. 

"You are underaged, go to your room Leo." Mother says and well she should have seen my answer coming. "No." 

"No? All of those things you just named up is the reason you're going upstairs and let the adults handle this." She argues and I shake my head. "No, I'm not going upstairs my ass is sitting here and it's not moving." I say as I sit down again and cross my arms over my chest with a huff. 

Seeing Sirius take a seat he winks at me and I let a grin appear on my face. "So what's the order of business, let me guess since Fudge doesn't want the truth to become the truth we're having a hard time gaining support..... .also there will be a guard will be placed around Harry to make sure no followers of dear old Tom can get him and I'm not allowed out without a guard either?" I list up and I see Remus nod his head at that. 

"Who's been telling you about all of this?" Tonks says and I release a chuckle at her words. "No one it's just the most logic thing, isn't it? Follow known Dead Eaters see if you can find where Snake Bitch is...... keep Harry save and one day we will save the day and live happily ever after. Whoop Whoop." I say as I raise my hands at the end while I see Mad Eye is ready to kick me out of the room while Severus rolls his eyes. 

"Go upstairs, Leonidas," Grandfather's voice commands as newcomers arrive, prompting me to glance back at him. "No, I won't, and even if you send me upstairs, I'll find a way back in," I retort confidently.

"You were right about what you said; we will assign a guard for Harry, begin surveillance on known Death Eaters, and attempt to garner more support, which is challenging given Fudge's efforts to conceal the events," he concedes, and with a dismissive wave of my hand, I rest my case.

"Than wh-" I start before I'm practically pulled out of the chair by mother who cut's me off. "Upstairs now, before your grounded for the rest of the vacati-" 

"But I'm not in your care this vacation now am I soooooo I think I ca-" I start with a grin as I cut her off before I'm once cut off but now by Sirius. "Go upstairs Leo, well talk later." He says and I roll my eyes. 

"You better tell me." I say as I point at him before walking out of the room with a shake of my head. 

Sirius's Pov, 

Seeing Leo walk out of the room I can't stop the amused chuckle that left my lips. That boy is well....... takes after me in some ways. "Amusing is it Black?" Severus says and I raise my brow. 

"That my son takes after his father?" 

"He's a better man even now than you ever was or will be." He counters and it makes me stand up as my gaze hardens. "Enough both of you, we need to move quick....... and we need to be as discreet as we can. We'll start protecting the prophesies because Tom and the White Queen will both wis to lay there hands on them." 

"And why can't Leo know this, he's right after everything doesn't he deserve the truth?" I ask with a shake of my head. "You want to trouble a 14-year-old boy with the truth?" 

"He's turning 15 soon, the more we keep the truth from him the more he'll try to find it himself." I say to Dumbledore. "Minerva I leave this up to you." He says and I feel a pain in my heart from it as I stare at the older witch. 

"Sirius is right the more we push him away the more he'll search for answers he can attent some meeting but we won't cloud his mind with the prophecy..... not yet... let him be just a boy a little longer." 

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