Part 23

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Leo's Pov, 

"Avada Kedavra." 

Shooting up with a gasp I'm in the Forbidden Forest but it looks so.... so bloody white! Like everything is white......... I'm dead? I-I took the curse for Si- for Dad. I took the Killing Curse that was meant for him. 

Getting up I look around me and soon a sigh releases my lips, I'm dead and they... .they will all probably blame themselves for it. B-but that's not what I want.... I did what I did because they'll say I was Foolishly Brave and maybe it was. 

"Where the north wind meets the sea

There's a river full of memory
Sleep, my darling, safe and sound
For in this river all is found." A voice sings and it's almost angelic making me follow it as I walk through the  snow white forest. 

"In her waters, deep and true
Lie the answers and a path for you
Dive down deep into her sound
But not too far or you'll be drowned" Seeing the all to familiar creek come into view I follow it as I increase my pace.... who's singing? In a weird way it... it sounds almost familiar? 

"Yes, she will sing to those who'll hear

And in her song, all magic flows
But can you brave what you most fear?
Can you face what the river knows?" Pushing past the bushes I soon walk onto the white flower filled field while a woman stands there with a smile on her lips next to the river as she's dressed in white but her.... her face i-it's the face of the pictures. 

"Where the north wind meets the sea

There's a mother full of memory
Come, my darling, homeward bound
When all is lost, then all is found." She sings as I walk or more like run over to her as the gras reaches my hip and soon she opens her arms making me practically crash into them. 

"Look at you all grown up." She says as she grabs my cheeks and looks my face over with tears in her eyes. "W-why are we here? Better yet where is here?" 

"The Forbidden Forest can't you see that?" She says and I nod my head. "What you di-" 

"I know was stupid and now they are all ready to lose their minds but what... what was I supposed to do? I-I would have done it for all of them." I say with a heavy breath leaving my lips. "I was going to say it was the ultimante shown of Bravery... to give your life for another." She says making me puff the air out of my cheeks. 

"J-just like you did, I-I never wanted anyone to die for me. You, Lily, t-the child." I say with a tear rolling down my cheek making me quickly wipe it away. "I need you to listen to me Leonidas, we did what we did because we love you and Harry.... nothing that Voldemort would have said would have made us step away from the both of you." She says as she grabs my chin and forces my eyes to meet hers. 

"B-but I-I why couldn't I just be Leo? Or Harry just be Harry..... why where we special...... why is he still special." 

"Because you're the best of all of us, both of you. Because your both good people and with everything that happened are still able to see good.... to have hope." She says with a reassuring smile. "What happens now?" 

"That is up to you." She says and I let a frown grow on my face. "That's up to me?" 

"Yes, do you know how the last Winged Lion was born?" She asks me as she starts to walk through the tall grass and I soon follow after her. "N-no I couldn't find anything about them, only that the last one died when they defeated the White Queen." 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29 ⏰

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