Part 20

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Remus's Pov, 

Sitting with the others I can't help shake the feeling of something bad off of me, maybe it's nothing. We've been here for some time now Harry and Leo are the only ones left in the maze. Knowing them both they'll come back together, Leo's something but he will protect Harry and Harry will protect Leo even if he doesn't really need it. 

I'm glad he's giving me a chance..... and I can handle the stares I'm getting from time to time while I'm here supporting my godson. Seeing Harry and Leonidas fly onto the grass I with many others get up as I clap while cheering and music fills the arena. They did it together.... seeing the many students move down soon a scream leaves Fleur's lips as Harry's holding on for dear life on.... onto Leo's body that just lays there in the grass while cries and sobs leave Harry's lips. 

Running down the steps Dumbledore tries to get Harry off of Leo's body. "Harry! Harry!" 

"No! No!" Harry yells as he clings to the body that's..... that's impaled with a foot long ice spike? H-how did this happen?! "He's back, he's back! Voldemort's back. Leo, h-he tried to keep me save! I couldn't leave him, not there." Harry sobs out and no.... no just please no. 

"It's alright Harry. It's alright, he's home, you both are." Dumbledore softly says before I see Professor McGonagall push past the many students and people and not long after her voice is heard through the whole arena. "Let me through! That's my son! My boy!" She cries out as she falls down on her knees next to Harry and grabs the lifeless body of Leo as she starts to cradle it in her arms. 

As her cries fill the place I see Moody lead off a crying and shock written Harry while Hermione, Ron, Daphne and Blaise push their way through the mass of students all with tears in their eyes before my eyes widen as I see Leo's fingers move making me fall down on the ground as I quickly start to check for a pulse while the ice spike is still in his chest!

Feeling a very distant and weak heartbeat my eyes widen. "H-he's still alive! He's alive!" I almost yell making their wide eyes meet mine. "W-we need to get him to St Mungo's now Minerva!" Severus yells with also tears in his eyes quickly we start to get ready to bring the boy towards the Hospital. 


Sirius's Pov, 

Pacing around the office I am this close to walk out and towards St Mungo's..... I knew something bad would happen and now I don't even know if my son is still alive! I've heard Harry's words about what happened he's returned and with him the White Queen? I've never head of her....... but she's the one who.... who impaled Leo with that Ice spike. Moody not being Moody but being Crouch Jr. he's the one who orchestrated this all.... he put their names into the Goblet he's the one who made sure they would turn up on that graveyard this night.... in front of his master. 

Leo was right what can I do? Nothing pace around here and wait for someone to tell me if... if my son is still alive. He must be alive.... he's strong, and so stupidly brave. Hearing the door open my eyes snap up as I see Dumbledore walk in. "How is he? Is he oke? Can I go see him?!" I frantically ask the man who releases a sigh as he has blood on his clothes..... the blood of Leo. 

"H-he's alive..... but not out of danger yet, if he lives the night he'll be out of danger." The older man breaths out as he rubs his forehead. "I will take you to him.... just change please." He says as he holds his hand out. 

"T-thank you." I softly say as I change into my Animagus form and Dumbledore lays his hand on my fur before the whole place changes and not long after we stand in a hallway in St Mungo's. Looking around I see Arthur with a half crying Molly, Bill, McGonagall, Severus and Remus? 

Seeing his eyes settle on me he looks just... just broken before Dumbledore motions into a open door for me and I slowly walk in with my head low..... I once again couldn't protect him what kind of father keeps failing his son? His family? I failed Emily and.... and the child she was carrying something Leo doesn't know, that was why that night she was at the Potters we were going to tell them............. I was running late as I was buying this stupid shirt she had seen with 'want to be my godmother?' for Lilly and..... and I just failed them all. 

Seeing the bed come into view I see the peaceful form of Leonidas but cuts and bruises decorate his face.... arms and it looks like practically all of his body making a whimper leave my lips as I climb into the bed and lay next to him. 

"He's going to be alright, he's strong...... but his fight is not over yet Padfoot." Dumbledore begins before the whole story of why Leonidas isn't in any house begins to leave his lips, his fight with the White Queen and who she is..... what she wants. The wand Leonidas has...... it's made from a Winged Lion's heart string I thought those where just a fable? That the founders of Hogwarts have been teaching him.... and that Salazar Slytherin of course betrayed him..... how can one boy.... one 14 year old boy deal with all this pain.... this loss with maybe much more to come and yet have a smile on his face? Maybe the same way that I still can have one on mine.... that even through everything that happened there are still those we love...... those we care about, the ones who can make smiles appear on our lips. 

Feeling finger tips briefly brush through my fur I look towards Leo to see his hand slowly move slower and slower before he moves to lay it under my head while his steady and calm breathing is like music to my ears right now. Seeing McGonagall move into the room she takes a seat by the bed and takes Leo's hand in hers. 

Some Day's Later. 

Hermione's Pov, 

Sitting int he Great Hall just a somber air hangs around and... and no one can blame anyone for that.... I thought he was dead. We all thought he was dead, and now... now I don't even know how he is... if he's fine? Awake? In a coma!? Harry blames himself but I -I think everyone knows that Leonidas would have jumped a million times in front of Harry and the White Queen she aimed for Leo.... I just don't get why? Who is she? What does she want? I feel like all I've been doing these days is cry.... I sleep in his room with Dawn and Bandit..... while Hagrid takes care of the other creatures but they also know something is wrong with Leonidas. 

"Today we've gathered here because we almost lost someone.... someone we all know and maybe all hold a place in our hearts, Leonidas Black is an exceptionally hard working, intricately fair minded. And most importantly a fierce fierce friend who would protect any one in his heart like a lion. I think you all deserve to know what happened to him, Lord Voldemort and the White Queen tried to kill him. The ministry of magic does not wish me to tell you this. But not to do so I think would be an insult to Leonidas, Now the pain or worry we all feel at this moment reminds me, reminds us that while we may come from different places and speak in different tongues, our hearts beat as one. In light of recent events the bonds of friendship we made this year will be more important than ever. Remember that and Leonidas Black will also remember that. And we'll celebrate a boy who is not always kind, doesn't always follow rules but he's honest and brave and a man there should be more off." Dumbledore says as tears run down my cheeks and I try to wipe them away but it seems like they just keep coming. 

"A-am I too late to the party?" a voice groans out making my head whip around to the open doors to see Leo stand there with one arm holding his stomach while the other lays on Dawn's head as he practically stumbles into the great hall, he looks.... paler than normal... there are cuts on his face and arms as well as bruises.

"Some might say your just on time Leonidas." Professor Dumbledore says with a soft smile on his lips as I think everyone get's up and starts to cheer loudly while clapping, seeing the ones who he walks past pat his shoulder or try to hug him he holds back the grunts and groans while I quickly stand up and almost run over to him. 

"Y-your alive... I though the wo-" I start before it's cut off as lips are being placed against mine and I just quickly get lost into the kiss as my arms snake around Leo's neck while I try to pull him as close as possible to me. 

"I hope you don't mind I made things public?" He whispers against my lips as my tears continue to move down my face while the rest are still going crazy right now. 


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