Part 17

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Leo's Pov, 

"Where the north wind meets the sea

There's a river full of memory
Sleep, my darling, safe and sound
For in this river all is found

In her waters, deep and true
Lie the answers and a path for you
Dive down deep into her sound

But not too far or you'll be drowned

Yes, she will sing to those who'll hear
And in her song, all magic flows
But can you brave what you most fear?

Can you face what the river knows?

Where the north wind meets the sea
There's a mother full of memory
Come, my darling, homeward bound

When all is lost, then all is found" I sing as I walk in the Forbidden Forest, the dementors are gone..... as is Sirius with Buckbeak. Peter he's  gone and who knows where he will be hiding now, with him gone how can we even proof that Sirius is innocent? This year has been so weird maybe even weirder than the ones before, I hated him..... I hated him with every fiber in my body and now my hate wans't even rightfully placed he's innocent. I learned how to do a Patronus and we won the cup and well Wood hasn't been stopping speaking about it. 

"I should have known to find you here." The voice of Remus says and I turn in his direction and this man looks like a mess with his walking cane. "I've looked worse believe me." He says and I nod my head. "Probably didn't help that I threw you around like a rag doll." I tease his way making some laughter leave his lips as we walk through the forest together. 

"I've heard about the brave fool who went against a Werewolf and casted a corporeal Patronus, Harry speak highly of you all of your friends do." He says making me look at him amused. "Is this you apologizing for trying to eat me more than once?" I state and he turns places a hand on my shoulder. 

"This is me saying I'm proud of you Leo, it takes a foolish kind of courage to stand between a werewolf and those he wishes to harm." He says with a hint of proudness. "It also takes a foolish kind of courage to charge at a werewolf as a dog, it.... it must be a family trait don't you think?" I softly say and it only makes his smile grow. 

"Your so much like them, I hope in time you will see that too. But for now our ways must part, even if it's just for now." He says and wait he's leaving? "This time tomorow the owls will be arriving about worried parents who don't wish for someone..... like me to teach their children." He says and I furrow my brows. 

"But you never harmed a stu-" 

"And yet I almost did, one time forgetting my potion and something like last night can happen.........  I could have killed you Leonidas without even knowing it until I changed back. I'm a danger to humans when it happens." He says and I release a sigh......... Harry's map the marauders it was them? 

"Your Mooney aren't you? Harry couldn't stop blabbering about that map and wondered who they where..... and since his Patronus is a stag....... James was Prongs he was a Animagus a stag? And Padfoot is Sirius and the rat is the rat." I say with wide eyes as I think about it. 

"I think only Miss Granger may top you on smartness, but yes they planned for a good three years to become Animagus's, Peter needed all the help he could get. They didn't want me to be alone on a full moon." He starts before I speak. "And since they weren't truly human you wouldn't hurt them and..... and if you did try to wander off James and Sirius would be big enough to hopefully chase you back. It's bloody brilliant!" 

"It was foolish and dangerous, but I made friends here in Hogwarts that became like family to me, friends I would die for. You've had a hard couple of years Leo and so much pain in your past, nothing will ever change that but sometimes it's oke to put your brave mask off and ask for help." Remus says making me look at him. "I don't put a bra-" 

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