Part 10

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Leo's Pov, 

Releasing a groan as I hear the door slam open I hide my face more into the crook of Hermione's neck. "Do I even wish to know how you ended up here Hermione."

"Can you shush it." I groan out as I try to wave Sirius off who's probably standing there with a stupid grin on his face. "I-I uhm." 

"Better hurry up before Molly catches the both of you." He says and I open one eye to see him leaning against the door frame with a grin on his face. "Isn't this like your house so in a way my house, so Mrs. Weasle-" 

"Leo! Time to get up!" The woman yells and I practically shoot out of the bed, she can be scarry oke. "I'm up!" I yell back as I hear Sirius chuckle. "Don't you have a wolf to entertain?!" I bite back and his smile falls as he quickly walks out of the room. "Oke well! Your up good." He says as I let myself fall back onto the be again with a groan. 

"Didn't you say we needed to g-" 

"Shhhhhh, I'm way to comfortable." I mumble as I lay my head on Hermione's stomach. "I don't care, what if Mrs. Weasley sees us?! I never should have sneaked in." She says as she pushes me off and gets out of the bed wearing these pyjama pants with a shirt of me. She looks beautiful, her messy bed hair makes her even cuter in the morning. "Come back here." I say as I try to grab after her but she's out of reach making a pout form on my lips. 

"Are you pouting?" Hermione asks me as she's trying to hold back her laughter. "Yeah because  you left me all alone in this bed, and I didn't even get a kiss back for it! I have abandonment issues oke!" I whine out as I roll on my back and hang my head over the edge of the bed as I look at her well upside down right now. 

Seeing her walk over she leans down and pecks my lips. "Longer." I mumble and she gives me another kiss that's like one second longer. "I'm never going to leave you." Hermione whispers and I raise my brow. "Uhu uhu we will see your 16 that's a long life your going to be stuck with me Granger." I tease and she pecks my lips again while I feel Bandit crawl on my stomach as Dawn lays stretched out on her bed. 

"As long as it's with you I'll be fine now get up come on." 


Walking downstairs as I button up my shirt I soon let a smile grow on my face as I see Mr Weasley there sitting in a wheelchair with a purple made crown on his head? While the others are unwrapping their presents. Merlin's beard it's full house, The Weasleys, Harry, Hermione, Me, Sirius, Lupin and Tonks. 

"Ow Leo darling! Here you go Merry Christmas!" Mrs. Weasley says as she walks over to me with a present before pressing a kiss on my cheeks. "Thank you Mrs. Weasley, and it's good to see you again Mr Weasley glad your alright." I say with a soft smile as I start to open up my present only to pull a white sweater out with a black L on it. 

As gifts are being handend left right and center I soon have a small pile in front of me Hermione got me a new fancy Quill, Ron got me some sweets, Lupin got me a book about Animagus's, Tonks got me and Harry this small fire bolt that flies around! It's pretty bad ass to be honest. Even got a gift from Dobby! Some mis macheted socks but he made them himself I left my gift for him in my chamber it's a pair of shoes I hope they fit.... and that he likes them to be honest. 

I gave Harry a new jacket because well he needed it and this book about spells that he can maybe use for the DA classes, I gave Ginny and Ron broom cleaning kits since the rest is well not on Quidditch anymore! Fred and George I gave them this Muggle prank book maybe they can learn something from it? I don't know it looked fun. Tonks I gave her this book set from the greatest Aurores there have been. Since she's well now a auror and yeah she's been eager to learn more and more so why not? 

"Alright here ya go." I say as I hand Lupin the wrapped Photo Frame and he raises his brow before opening it only to see him and me before the third task as he pulls me into a hug as I was getting ready to walk into the maze. "So now you can brag to anyone that your gondson won the Tri-wizard cup." I say with a grin as he releases a breathless chuckle. 

"Only you would give people pictures of yourself." Fred says making me chuckle. "Thank you, I love it." Lupin says and I point at the man. "See he loves getting pictures of his beloved Godson....... gonna hang them above his bed." I say and Lupin raises his brow at me while Sirius is laughing his ass of right now. 

"Don't go to far now." 

"Ow yes because you have another Blac-" I start before it turns into a grunt as Sirius slaps the back of my head. "And here I Was going to give you a present now I will take it back with me." I say as I rub the back of my head with some fake offence! 

"Then I guess my gift for you will also disappear." He says and I shrug my shoulders. "Mhm." Leaves my lips before I hold the wrapped up book out in his direction. "See even got the fancy wrapping paper but oke." I say and he takes it from me as he slowly opens it soon the pages of the photo book open as I stand next to him. 

"Me and mother worked on it see this is me running away from her with Hagrid he was going to show me the Moon calves." I say as we look at the picture where I'm no older than 2 while Hagrid runs away with a laughing me as mother is running after us. 

"This is me grabbing Grandfathers wand and well I uhm gave it a whiff making half of his office blow up." I say with a chuckle as the next picture is of me around 2 sitting on the ground with his wand as I wave it and soon half the room just blew up while Mother and Grandfather look in shock as I'm just laughing at their faces with black on it. 

"Wait wait you're going to love this one." I say as I skip quite some pages before there's one where I'm like 7? "I stole Gillyweed from Severus and well this is me and the Giant Squid while mother was yelling like crazy for me to get out." I say with some laughter as the picture shows me jumping out of the water while the Giant Squid is waving and mother stands on the side screaming for me to get out. 

"Even got some with Harry in there, and well many more." I say with a small smile as I see him look slowly through some of the other pictures. Before I'm pulled into a tight hug that makes a grunt leave my lips from the impact. 

"T-thank you." 

"I uhm no problem." I say as I hug him briefly back before he motions for me to follow him out of the room while I see Hermione give me a small smile before I walk out. "My younger brother, we always had a difficult relationship......... your named after him you know." Sirius says as we stand in the living room and his brother Regulus yes. 

"I think he almost idolized Voldemort, our parents loved him more for it. Them and their Trueblood supremacy. Where I pushed away from it all he pulled closer to it, it brought a wall between us. I couldn't protect him, just like I couldn't protect you and Harry............ he tried to leave their ranks Merlin what a bloody foolish idiot he was, he never got far. Only after his dead I realized that maybe all he needed was his older brother who stood up and showed him the right way instead of running away." He says as we walk into the room with all these portairts on the wall as I follow the lines I soon see Sirius his name with a portrait as some light black edges are near it. 

"My mother wanted to burn it the day I ran away, I was 16....... she didn't do it once she heard I was in love with a pure blood witch..... that's all she cared about." He says as he points at the name slightly next to it..... it's mine Leonidas James Regulus Black. 

"Where did you run too?" 

"The Potters, I was always welcome there. But I left Regulus here with my mother who well you've heard Kreacher. This way his before he died, it's a Black Family heirloom it may not mean much to you, I found it Kreacher had been hiding it for years practically begged me not to take it..... but it wasn't his to keep, it was Regulus and now it's yours." He says as he holds this necklace out in my direction making me slowly take it from him as I look it over, there's a snake on it.... it's beautiful don't get me wrong. 

"Are you sure?" 

"100%." He says and I slowly put the necklace on before hiding the pendant under my shirt. "Now come on before Mrs. Weasley thinks we ran away." He says as he pats my shoulder and we walk out of the room together again. 

Author's Note, 


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