11. Pretty

54 5 2

Wonyoung Pov

After an hour

Yujin called the doctor for checking me up.

And doctor said im fine and can discharge.

Yujin help me to get inside car...and make sure im okay.

My head keep spinning.

" why ? your head feel dizzy ?"

I nodded slowly.

He adjusted the sit became lower so that i can lay down properly.

" if you feel sleepy..just sleep okay ?"

I close my eyes.

And i totally asleep.
Well i am heavy sleeper.

In the other hand i hear his voice.

" uhm..wonyoung wake up" He keep saying this words but in a very soft way.

I noticed it and open my eyes.

He smile warmly.

But than i realised we were not at yujin's house.
It's a very huge house.

" uhm.. where are we yujin ?"

" oh..um sorry i was about to tell you but you fall asleep..my mom ask me to come here for a dinner..its is okay with you ? "

I freez for a second...
What ?
Really ?

" hello earth to wonyoung ?"

" ahh "

" are you okay with it ?"

" but..yujin..im wearing your hoodie now.."

" than what's the problems with it ?"

" i mean im just no one "

" who say that ?"

" me "

" no you are my 'girlfriend' to be" he smile warmly.

Oh no i can feel my cheeks getting hot.

" wait here.."

He get out and open the door for me.

" watch out your head.."

He take my hand.

" They already waiting inside....should we get in now ?"

I nod.

We walk for abit.

I can see a female figure at the entrance.

" Oh ! There were you..why did you take so long to get here huhhh yujin ?"

" We just get here mom.."

Oh..she is Yujin mom.

" woahhhh who's is this pretty girl yujin ?"

I bow and greet her.

" annyeonghaseyo auntie..im wonyoung.."

" uhm wonyoung this is my mom.."

" ohh wonyoung...nice name same as her owners !
come get inside first..yujin accompany her to livingroom..i need to prepare the dinner first"

" naeee"

Yujin bring me to livingroom..

This livingroom..is so....


" here sit "

" yujin your house is so...huge !"

" nahh it's not my house..it's my parents house..hehe"

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