41. Office

67 6 0

Yujin Pov

Last night..was so...fun ?

What did you think huh !
Ofc im not " doing it " with her..
not before i make her become my wife.

The night is just full with cuddle and kisses that's all.

A guy who fall for his woman will respect her and protect her because of love..not because of her body figure.

I must being a man who can being a husband and a dad..not only because of her body.

Take note guys.

Anyways it's 7 am now.

I awake and seeing this beautiful angel besides me.

How can someone can be this pretty ?
Gosh thanks to her parents cuz making her.
Even they didn't appreciate her.
That's why im here.
I always stay and support her.
That's my first priority.
It's my princip.

She first.
Ofc it's must be our parents.
But for me.
Between parents and my woman.
They always being my very first priority.

I kiss her temples.

" morning jagi "

" uhmm morning baby..what time it is now ?"

" it's still early babe..7am"

" i need to get up for make our brekfas-"

" no..lay back"

"but..why baby ? i need to cook for us ? aren't you hungry ?"

" why not..u take a bath first and get ready?"

" ready ? for what baby ? isn't today you're working ?"

I nod.

" yup..."

She rise her eyesbrows.

" so now you're telling me to get ready for follow you work ?"

" yupp..."

" omg baby...im okay..i will stay at home.."

" No uhh u have to follow me no matter what okayy...so noww go and get ready okay?? don't worry about our breakfast we will just eat outside okay ?"

I smooch her cheeks.

She look at me with guilty face.

" if you're going to ask me..if you going to follow me working will disturbed me..you are totally wrong..so no need to think any negative things..get ready..okay ? "

" but bab-"

" no but full stop..you have to follow me okay ? i take a bath at bathroom in my gaming room okay ?"

She nodded.

Nice good girl.

Past few minutes

I get upstairs to cheek on her.

" Jagi are you don-"

My gadnesss...

My jaw dropppp..
H..how did she can be this stunning even in a
simple outfit.

how did she can be this stunning even in asimple outfit

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