32. Double date

54 5 2

Wonyoung Pov

He jog slowly to the door..and...he lock it....oh he lock the door...WAIT WHATT HE DID WHATTTT..!? OH NO...

" Yujin...what are you trying to do now ?...they are here... can't we just do it when they-"
I shutter...ofc who doesn't !
im scare..really..

" nope i can't hold it anymore"
Did he...
No i i mean..
Why guys are all the same ?..
ofc i overthinking...
i don't want to get hurt anymore...
really i can't trust anyone in this world...
Even he's yujin..or someone else...
Guys just want a nice girl with a nice body..

He pull me to his chest and now our face are just an inch apart.

Which is make my breath become heavy.

Please don't be the same as other yujin...
I believe you..

" you know what wonyoung..i fall for you so hard..we..did nothing last night atucally expect for...a..kiss..well..maybe wet kisses on your neck ?... listen baby....ik what have you been thorough...i respect you a lot...i love you..ofc i will not doing something that will make you uncomfortable...i want you to felt protected whenever you around me..just let me be your man wonyoung..let me be your baby , jagi , boyfriend , bodyguard , I can be anything for you...what ever it is...i will do it for you....until you accept me..as your..husband "

I i did not expect this sentence will come out from his mouth..
I feel loved..
I feel bad for making wrong assumptions about him..
Sorry yujin..

He hold my cheek with his palm.

" Can i kiss you ?"

" I.."

" oh..i-its okay than i..wil not force you..get dressed okay ? i wait outside.. don't rush take your time hmm ?"

He smile warmly and pat my head.

He walk to the door and unlock it.

I run to him and interwine our hands.

He look at me confuse.

" why ? need something ? "

I pull him and kiss him on cheeks.

His eyes winded and touch his cheeks.

" Did..did you jus-"

I pull him again and our lips meet.

He's smiling.

At first it's just a pick.
But now no longer a pick.

Even in yujin's room have aircond but now it's become hotter.

now in the room filling sound of lip smacking.

His hand start caressing my waist.

I parted away.
But he attack my lips back.

I tap him gentlely..for him to stop.

He parted away.

" they are waiting outside.."

I can sense his heavy breathing.

" I know.."

" we need to get out now..okay ?"

" Let me hug you for 30 second"

" stop it yujin they are waiting..."

" stay.."


" you smell nice baby..."

" yujin..."

" hmm ?"

" they are waiting...we should get going now"

" but promise me one things.."

"okay okay..what it is ?"

" you have to be mine tonight"

I pinch him and immediately run out from the room.

And i can hear his chuckle.

" Woah yuj.. how's was the make out session ?"

" Well...you know...it-...AUOWHHHHH AUCHHH"

ofc i pinch him.

" what was that forrrrrr"

I roll my eyes and clingy on yuri unnie.

" Unnie yujin keep teasing me ! " I pouted.

" Aigooo yujin you better don't mess with my baby huhhh !!"

" Woaw woahh chill yuri"

" HAHA you are busted yuj !"




" Guys enough pls !"
Yuri unnie said.

" Come wony we wait for them outside.. DON'T BE LATE YOU TWO !"

Time skip
( At the arcade )


I was sooo excited !!

I and yuri unnie keep running like a little kid.

" Wonyy don't run ! Be careful !"

" Joyul ! Be awareee !!"

" Wony let's try this !!"

" Sureee !!"

Gosh this is so fun !

It's been awhile since i came HEREEEEE !!

We play a lot of game.

Yena hyung win a huge teddy bear for Yuri unnie.

While yujin win a huge rabbits bear for me !

It's so cute !!

After a few game that we play..wow now im tiredd. im hungryy...
It's exhausting but fun !

" aren't you exhausted baby ?"

Yujin ask.

I nodded and clingy to him.

" you want something baby ? food ? ice cream ? drink ? tell me i will get it for you "

" can we have an ice cream ?"

" Sure anything you want..wait here i will get it for yo-"

" noo..."

" why ? want to follow me as well ?"

" I..im scared..dont leave me here..yuri unnie busy with yena hyung.."

" sure but aren't you tired ? i just don't want you to fee-"

" noo...just don't leave me here please.."

" sure things baby..come.."

" give me one chocolate and two mint choco flavour please "

" this your order "

" thanks "

" let's find somewhere to sit okay ?"

I nodded.


" wow..have fun huh ?.."

" miss i got something to give you.."

" sure.. let's meet at the cafe usually we meet"

" alright miss see you there.."


thanks for reading !

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Byeeee !

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