55. For her

38 5 0

Wonyoung Pov

I woke up and i notice yujin wasn't on my side anymore.

" Babe !?"

" Babeeee where are youu ?!"

No response..
Where is he now...

Than i something catch my attention.
This smell..
I hurried get up from the bed and get downstairs.

While i was walking down i notice that he's at the kitchen.

" Oh you're up babe ? I was about to wake you up "
He said while putting all the food on the table and directly come near me and give his hand.

Which is he's holding my hand and help me sit down.

" eat okay ?"

I smile warmly to him.

" thanks baby "

" no need to "

Time skip

" baby here's your attire i already iron it "

" Thanks jagii "

" Come i want to tidy up your tie"

" Aww seems like we are in drama "

" Shh "

" u know me well right babe ? i hate to wear this kind of clothes.."

" you have no choice but to wear this attire..u have a very important meeting right ? so you need to take care of your appearance so that it looks more charismatic and handsome at the same time "

" why aren't you dress up ??"

He ask me and lifting right his eyebrows.

" baby can't i stay home for today ? im tired..i want to rest..dont worry about me okay ? u already upgrade security around the house right? So no need to worry..i will wait for you when you comeback home hmm ?"

" Oh..no baby you have to follow me toda-"

" Nooo i don't want too"

" But babe im worry about your safet-"

" I'm doing good now yujin..dont worry to much okay baby ? you still have too many things to settle your work..your meeting, your project so..you just go to work and settle up all your works and get back early hmm ?"


" No but okay ?"

" I'm gonna ask mom to come her-"

" Nooo baby no..okay..no..i want to rest all day..im tired baby can't you give me a chance? let me win this time..just for this time please "

" But bab-"

" If you keep rejecting my request okay than no kisses and cuddles for a whole weeks..now go..i want to sleep"

I stomp my feet and want to go to our rooms.
But ofc yujin hold my hand and hug me.

" Okay..baby....okay...im sorry okay..you win this time..but promise me just this time okay ? after this u have to accompany me alright ?"

I nod slowly and hug him back.

" go now before you getting late "
I said.

" alright but give me a kiss..my morning kisses "

" ishh go now babyy.. you're later"

" nu uhh kiss first..i need your kiss baby so that i will be more energetic "

I kiss him on his cheeks.
He look at me with his victory face.

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