81. Them

43 5 2

Wonyoung Pov

" alright doneee "

My make up kinda impressive.

" nice...but wait.."

" hmm ??"

He take my hands and hold it.

" much better "

I giggle.
Cligy ahn yujin.

" why u want to hold my hands ? we just have to get downstairs only.."
I ask.

" well im afraid that you might run away from me "

" nonsense baby....u are just being silly here.."

" correction it's not silly it's clingyyy "

" are you always being like this if with mommy ?"

" uh...its depance...on the situation.."

I nod.

" shall we ?"

I give him a smile as my answer.

We both get downstairs.

" There's you are "

I hear a woman voice.
She seems excited ?

" Omo isn't that yujin ???"

" Omg he's already grow up...and getting more handsome!"

" Wait who besides him ??"

I look at him with confusing face.

He smile awkwardly and squeeze my hands.
He hold my hand a little tighter but more gentle.


I look at him.
Tilted my head abit.

He seems nervous ? afraid ? uncomfortable ?

" Oh yujin aaa come here "
Mommy said.

He show mommy his confuse reaction.

Than mom slowly walk to us.
Well cuz we stop in the middle of the stairs.

" They keep asking about u son...i can't do anything they suddenly came..just go and greet them... manners yujin..introduce wonyoung to them"

Then yujin sigh and force a awkward smile.
Something wrong somewhere..

" let me handle this okay ? "
He said to me.

I am so confused rn.

What's happening here ?
It's there anything bad gonna happen ?
Cuz i feel something isn't right...
But i ignore those feels.

" Just try to be nice to them okay yujin ?"

" will try."

" Good "

Gentlely yujin changes his hands position.
He put his hand around my waist.
Pulling me closer.

" just stick with me okay ?"
He said which made me giggle a bit.

We walk towards them.

I saw there's two woman and one man ? He look young.

" hello yujin aaah "

" naee annyeonghaseyo auntie anne...auntie sera and auntie nana.."

" wahh you already grow up huhhh "

" nae..hehe..oh btw this is my wife..wonyong..ahn wonyoung for now on "

I smile and greet all of them.

" wow you have such a beauty wife "
the man said.

I notice this young man keep staring at me.

" Well ik "
Yujin replied in arrogant way.
While caressing my waist with her thumb.

" why did you answer it like that yujin ? don't tell me u still mad about what's happened several years ago "
One of them said.

" Owo ahn yujin win a jackpot-"

" Enough Leo..stop mocking yujin...he's your cousin after all and more older than you..respect him..atlest show your manners "
Auntie sara said.

" Tsh..chill out yuj im just joking.."

" Yeah..your joking...kinda..."

" yujin.."
I said softly which made us making eye contact.
Ik him too well.
Jealous ofc.

" Come here and sit yujin...wonyoung let's have a cup of tea with us "
Said auntie nana.

" ahh we two have something to do please excuse us fo-"

" Just sit yujin don't be too rude "
Said auntie Anne.

Yujin look at mom gives mom a signal for helping us.

This auntie kinda..something..

" They both have a work need to settle up..go on yujin..wonyoung...don't drive too fast yujin..back home before dinner okay ?"

" Sure mom..bye guys "

" Oh yujin..."

" What "

" Take a good care of your wife...just...she's pretty and hot so bette-"

" Ik what should i do..and just stfu "

I was seriously confused now but i pull yujin hands and interwine it.
Patting his hand.
So that he will be more calm.

" Please excuse us "

Yujin gently pull me and we go out.
As usual he help me to get in the car.
Wear the seatbelt and all those things.

" Baby ? "

" Hmm ? "

" Mad ? "

" A little "

" Who's are they atucally ? I didn't saw them at our wedding "

" Those are my aunties and that man are my cousin..leo.."

" Tbh i felt uneasy whenever he's around us..like just now "

" sorry "

" baby...sorry for what ? "
I ask him.

" For making you uncomfortable "

" Nvm it's not your fault..as long as you with me I'm okay with it "

" Ofc i will always with you babe"

" where's are we going now ? why didn't mommy come with us ? "

" Mom texted me just now and she said that she's already booked a ticket for us..she want we to spend time together..u and me...just us "

" What tickets ? "

" Cinema..lets go now ? "

" Oh...for sureeee !!"


Short chapters yay.

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