65. Take care ( 2 )

44 4 0

Yujin Pov

I awake because i sense a lot of movement from wonyoung place.

I open a bit of my eyes just for checking her.
I notice she seems uncomfortable.

" emm baby ? why ? did something happen ? why are you awake ?"
I ask her.

" uhm..i need use the toilet but...i can't even stand up probably..its hurt-"

She hurt ?!
Oh no..

" Huh hurt ?! where ? show me ?!"

I quickly sit up from the bed and held her shoulder.

" uhm..nvm..i-i can stand up no-"

I get off from the bed and lif her up which means i carry her so that's she no need to move that much.

" ahh baby put me down i can walkkk"

" no uh u just say that you couldn't walk so let me help you okay.."
I said.

She stay silent and her hands hug my neck.

I put her on the toilet..make sure she's okay and comfortable.

" Call me if you done okay ?"

She nod and i wait outside.

I settle up my business.

4 minutes pass

I keep yawning since it's 3am now..i lend my head on the wall beside the toilet.

I hear her voice...sound more like hissing.

What make me suprise she's walking..
i can see she forcing herself.

" h-hey baby i already told you if you done call me why did you walk ??"
I said in panic voice.

" I don't want to burden you more "

I carry her in bridal style and walk to the bed.
I put her down and wrap her in the bed.
Placing some kisses on her cheeks.

" baby...you're not burden me you are my wife now..so i have to taking good care of you...you are my first priority...dont ever think that again..ofc i have to do all this to you im your husband after all.."

" Bu-"

" Shhh...now sleep it's still early "

I pull her closer and cuddle her.

" I love your redolence...now rest..close your eyes.."

morning day

I wake up early because i need to taking care of my wife.

Is the day ahn yujin being a good husband to his beloved wife.

I clean myself up and get downstairs for cleaning all over the house.

Past few hours i go upstairs for checking her.
Either she still asleep or already awake.

I notice her seems like looking for somethings.

" looking for me baby ?"
I chuckled seeing her squirt down her eyes so that she can see me clearly..she so cute help haha.

" baby can you walk now ?"
I ask.

Than she get of from the bed and walk to me.

" hey slowly.."

" See i can walk "

" yes you can babe but...you are still sore..now let me-"

I carry her and put in the bathtub.

" Stay still and relax okay ? "

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