78. Gift

61 4 3

Yujin Pov

Rise and shineeee...!
I awake because of my alarm.

Ugh...my arms hurt..

I look at my bed.
Thankfully she's still asleep.

I need to hurry now.

I grab my phone.

I text chaewon.

" Dude "

" Oh hey yuj i already drop your things to your mom "

" Oh really ? Thanks tho..i will bank in to you later let me know total all the things"

" Sure i will let you know later "

" alright thanks"

" don't mention it "

" bye dude "

" bye "

I fasten my step to the livingroom.

There's she is.

" Morning mom "

" Oh morning yujin..here chaewon drop this for you he said that u need this..what is this anyways?"

" Oh...its for wonyoung mom "

" Omg...u didn't settle up yet with her yujin ??"

" Uh...no ?"

Out from nowhere i got hit on my shoulder.

" Awowhhchh momm what's that's for ??"

" For wonyoung...u keep doing something stupid uk? When you will change your behaviour ahn yujin ??"

" Sorry okay ?? Im sorryy "

" Go now...make sure wonyoung mood will be okay today yujin...im gonna bring her out later...if her mood isn't okay...you know what will i do...noted that.."

Oh wow..scary...

" uhm okay mom okay..."

" then what's u waiting here ? Go now ! Upstairs ! "

Immediately my feet running upstairs.

Before i enter my room.
I make sure the flowers in a good condition.

Chocolate check ✅
Strawberry milk  check ✅
Cute little notes check ✅

And one more things..
But it's will be surprise for her.

All rights all ready.

I open the door slowly tiptoe get in the room.
Close and i lock it.

She still asleep.
Aaaaaa i fall so hard for her.
She so..pretty.

I put all the things on the table beside of the bed.

Should i wake her up ?
Should I ?
Will she be mad at me if i wake her up ?

When i was about to wake her up.

I touch her palm.
It's burning...

I look at her face...

" Baby ? "

" Baby ???"

" Hey baby wake up "

" Wonyoung aaa "

" Wake up baby !! "

" MOMM !! "

" Why yujin ??"

" Mom wonyoung....!"

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