64. Take care

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Wonyoung Pov

After hot intimate session with my husband..i was sad actually cuz he's not the one and the first who taste my body...i felt bad.

He caresing my arms with full of love.
Kissing every part of my face.
And giving me a warm smile.

" thanks baby.."
He said.

I hide my face with the blanket.

" Ayy why did you shy for ? i already see all part of your body "

This yujin really...

" Baby stop it ! I...im not shy..im just embarrassed"

He let out chuckled.

" Isn't the same things ? Different words same meaning"

Yea yea ik but still !

" aishh shhh i want to sleep now.."

" It's still early baby "

" But im already tired..."

" You like it right ? oh no i mean you love it right ?"

My face felt hot.
Yujin will never stop teasing me.

" thanks baby..."

" babe you keep saying thanks to me...i didn't do anything to you...you are the one who always help me im the one who suppose to be thank to you "

" no need..im just thanking you for this marriage gift"

" gift ? "


" yea...you let me..get inside you...and feel every part and inch of your body...dont get me wrong...im not married you because of your body...im married you because i want to..i need you in my life..i love you more than anything...thank you for tonight..im excited for our little annyeongz "

Little annyeongz ??

" as long as it's you than...im okay with it..but promise me one thing"

" hmm ?"

" Don't ever leave me..."

" Ofc im not gonna leave you ! I love you more than i love myself "

He kiss my temple.

" It's already midnight..let's cuddle until we fall asleep..good night baby "

" goodnight too jagii "

At 2am

I awake from my sleep because i need to use the toilet.

Before i get up from bed i turn around and i stare at yujin's face.
The intimate scenes suddenly flash in my mind.
He's...seems..expert..and he did come inside me...am i going to pregnant his child?

Ahh wonyoung focus u need to go to the toilet.

I get up but i fall back on the bed..cuz i felt sting on my lower part.

It's hurt..

My eyes shuted cuz of the pain that i felt.

I try my best to ignore the pain.
But the more i ignore the pain becomes more soreness.

I need go to the bathroom.
It's hurt so bad.

Again i try to ignore but same things happen.
I get fall back on the bed.
At the moment i try to get up i sense a grip from my back.

I look back..its him..omg did i make him awake ?

" emm baby ? why ? did something happen ? why are you awake ?"

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