62. D-day

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No one pov

It's the day guys.
It's the day that yujin are waiting for.

Yujin stood in front of at least a 20 people since this wedding only invited family members and close friends ( yujin related ) only cuz they decided to do this wedding privately.

And now Ahn Yujin having a hard time to breathe cuz of his was nervous to death.

He felt weak on the knee like he was about to faint.

" Hey son "

" Dad..im..im nervous"

" HAHA ofc you did ik the feels yujin..but trust me just follow the flow "

" Did she done now ?"

" Yes she is..wow..my son are going to be someone husband..i can't believe it "

" Want or not you have to believe it dad "

" Yujin ure done ? "
Mom butt in.

" Uh yes.."

" Alright now come..u have to get ready by now wonyoung will be there in any minute..honey get your son ready now im going to check wonyoung.."

" Alright honey..u hear it yujin ?"

Yujin nod.

" Come...smilee you have to smile yuj show your dimples this is your wedding day yuj ! "

" Yeah dad okay okayy "

Yujin Pov

Now i on the middle of the stages..
Im super nervous right now.

I'm sweating a lot.
I couldn't help but to lower my head and stare on my feet.

" Yo yuj head up ! "
I hear Yena voice.

When i rise my face.
My heart racing rn.
Already stand at the large luxury door ten meters ahead of me.

Keep it cool yujin.
You have to look cool and gentle.
Take a deep breath.

She was perfect in that dress.

I lost a words to describe how beautiful she.

My chest tightened by happiness.
I tried hard to push down the feeling to cry.

I locked my eyes to her.
Both of us exchanged smile.

There's she is.
With my dad.
Standing there.
The smile.

I really hope that she will remember this day for ever in her life.

She deserves happiness.

Then she slowly start walking to me while holding dad hands.

But i couldn't bear it any longer.

I extended my arm and stayed in that position till dad present me with wonyoung soft hand.

I kissed the back of her hand gently and smiled warmly.

She hold my hand back.

I feel like..

l am the luckiest person alive...cuz now she's mine until the end of my breath.

We stood face to face and i notice she was blushing.

" you look so beautiful in a white babe "

" you look handsome too in this suits "

Than we exchanged the ring.

I put the ring on her finger same goes to her do the same things to me.

We both agree to live together forever.

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