54. Return

60 4 3

Yujin Pov

Since the day that wonyoung got threaten letter.
I and my parents already do some reports and i command Alex to get more bodyguard for us.

Seems like we have to flight back to korea this night.
I booked a ticket for us and my parents we will be on the same flight.

Mom ask for it i can't resist it.
She do love wonyoung that much.
Which made me felt relieved.

Atlest my parents and wonyoung are safe.

We all already done packing.

We made our way to airport and put all our belongings and luggage.

While waiting our turn to get inside the airplane.
We ate cuz im hungry and wonyoung want an ice cream so...i can't say no to her.

Past few minutes we get on the plane.

Since i booked a first class flights we can get in abit early.

Mom ask if she can seat with wonyoung.
I let her cus she said that she's want to keep an eye to her.

Guess what our seat are just next to eachother.
but she still insisted that she want to stay with wonyoung.

I can't say no.

" Someone seems grumpy haha "

" No dad.."

" Tsh come on yuj ik you too well son "

" Yea yea yea..."

" You for real son ? HAHAHHA she just next to us "

" Yea ik "

" Chill son she's will be okay...mom only to make her feel safe "

" We as a man we have to protect them no matter what"

" Babe ?"
She call me.

" Ah yes baby need anything ??"

She shake her head.

" No..you okay ?"

" No worries im okayy"

" Let him be wonyoung he's always like that...clingy"

" Well iam okay.."

" Ignore him wonyoung.."

" Aaaaa mommm "

" Haha you saw it sweetheart how much your guy love you...he can't be apart from you even for a second "

" Ohhh come on mommm "

" Okayy okayy i will stop noww "

" We have more 1 hour before we landed at korea...take a rest okay sweetie "

Mom said to wonyoung and she nod.

Mom really do love her.
I mean who wouldn't?

Past few hours

" Alright this is our last luggage "

" Mom get inside the car..dad...wony"

All of them do as i said.

I ask my driver to bring two cars.
Which is i will drive.

" Bye sweetheart see you when i see you okay ? Yujin..keep an eye on her "

" Ofc mom i will..dad keep an eye on your wife "

" Ik yuj...bye son drive safely "

" Alright bye you two "
I said while held wonyoung hand.

" Drive them safely"
I said to one of my driver's.
They nod.

" shall we go now ? "

She nod slowly.

" babe if you want to sleep..than sleep okay ? i will wake you up later "

" but yo-"

" don't worry okay ? im here..sleep okay ? you need rest"

the entire journey was quiet.
since she's asleep i don't want to disturb her.
So i just keep holding her hand and caressing it.

Ik i drive manual sport car's.
But im ahn yujin.
Im pro.

Time skip

We already arrived now.

Instead of wake her up i carry her and tuck she in on the bed.

I get garage to pick up our luggage.

Settle all those things i decided to take a bath first before i help her change her clothes.

I take around 20 minutes for bath and i dry my hair.

" babyy ??"

Oh.. she's awake.

" Yes babe ? Need anything ? "

" I need you "

I chuckled.

" I'm here hmm...can you get up so that i can help you changing your clothes"

" Nooo i don't want too "

" No okay we need I..i mean you need to change your clothes before we go to sleep..see i already take a bath"

" No i don't want t- aaaaa put me downnnn"

" No babe u have to clean yourself first okay "

I pick her up.

" what clothes you want to wear ?"

" yours "

" mine ?"

She nod.

" Alright.."

I take my hoodies and pants.

I help her to change her clothes since she make me do it.
( No more than help her changing clothe okay )

Okay settle now i carry her and put on the bed slowly.
I lay beside her and pull her closer.

I kiss her cheeks.

" Goodnight jagi "

" Goodnight too babe "

She snuggled to my neck.

We both slowly dozing off.


Short chapters hehe.

Sorry for my english error.
Ik my english are sucks.

Sorry about that..


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