73. Actual

61 4 2

Chaewon Pov

The door get wide open.

" Shock seeing me here ? Alive ??"

" H-how....did...you...here ?....yujin ????!!!!?"

Suprise ?
Confused ?

Earlier before

I get a call from yujin.
Well i assume it will be wonyoung.

Yeah it it's her.

" Hello wonyoung ?"

" um hello chaewon hyung.."

" it's everything okay ? why did you call ?"

" yujin...he's...awake now..."

" Oh really !?"

" Wait i will be there now !"

I immediately snatch my car keys and drove to the hospital.

I get in the room and seeing him.
Sitting on the bed.
With a few wires on his hands but not as much as after the surgery.
Thank god the surgery went well.

He's much okay now.


" Hey dude ! "

" Dude your face ! "

" Ayy that's how you greet your friends ? Oh come on atlest im survive okay ? Didn't you glad to see me alive ??"

" I'm glad you're the one who tooks the bullet tho...i can't imagine if wonyoung got shooted.."

" Right ! I also can't even imagine it tho...i can't lose her.."

" Okay enough...please don't being lovely dovey Infront of me..."
I replied.

" Anyways where's yena ?"

" Here "

I look behind my back and yes..he's at the door.
With his hand got bandage around it.

" Wow you alive "

" Yah ! I only got injured on my arms...im not dying yet"

" Oh gosh i thought you are died cuz when i carry you are bleeding too bad "

" Ik "

" Who tf get pass out just because of get shoot on his arm and shoulder ??"

" I'm not really pass out that time...im just tired fighting those rat's.."

" What the...so you're telling me that you are awake when i carry you that time !?"

" Uh..yeah ? Maybe yes..."

" Da fuck Yena !? Why aren't you just get up and walk by yourself !?!?"

" Hey im tired okay that time ! "

" You know because of you my arms felt pain ! You are so heavy !!"

" Yah im not that heavy !"


" Tsh Yena....i can't believe that you will backstabber me !"
Yuna yell at us.

" are you dump or something ? do you think i will do that's nasty things to my own friends ? im not like you yuna..."


" confused ? "
I ask.

" Should i explain it to you ? tsh seems like it will be a waste if i explain it to you.."

" THE HELL !?!?"

" nvm chae let me tell you yuna...."

Yena Pov

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