87. Over

76 6 4

Wonyoung Pov

" rise and shine baby "
I hear his voice.

" morning jagi "
I replied.

" babe "

" Hmm ??"

" Can i get my kisses now ? "

I put my hand on his cheeks and give his morning kisses.

I notice his proud smile.

After that I need get ready for work.
Same goes to yujin.
I was busy ironing his attire.

He hug me from behind.

" Baby.."

" Yes why ? "

" Can't I wear simple outfit for today ?? "

" No baby you have a meeting to attend today so you have to look great okayy ??"

" But i dont-"

" Heip no okay you have to wear it...if not for meeting atlest for me...ofc i want my husband seems handsome and wear a nice attire "

" alright if you say so...im gonna wear it "

" done...take this and wear it.."
He take it and wear it.
Except this his tie.

I about to walk away but i get pull instead and he lock me between his hand.

" yujin i want to get ready..."
I whine.

" why not you help me with this tie..i hate wearing it..sucks "

" Okay but let me get ready first "

Since we both need to hurry so he let me go and wait for me.
Ofc he need to wait for me.

" baby ??"

" you done now ? can you help me with this "

I come to him and stand infornt of him.

" Baby you have to bend down a bit "

He did as i said.

I was busy tidying his tie.
He stare at me.

" Stop staring baby "
I said.

" I can't you are so...hot uk that ?"

" Ofc i do "

Why not we tease him abit ?
I said and pull his tie and it's make his face are inch apart of my face.

" wow...someone are getting more brave than before.."

" well.."

" you know what are you doing now baby ?"

" Mhmmm "

" why not we having fun before we attended the meeting ? "

I roll my eyes and let his tie go.

" Don't try me yujin "
I said.

" One round ? "

" It's not gonna be one round ik you "

" Noo..we have to hurry yujin "

" One round "

" Stop it okay "

I give him warning look.

He rise his hand in defeat.

" Okay okay "

" We need to hurry up yujin "

" Yea ik ik shall we go now ? "

I nod and interwine our hands.

Time skip

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