46. Airplane

41 6 0

Yujin Pov

Nice we arrived at the airport in time.

I get a trolley and put all the stuff , luggage on it.

" Have a safe flight sir "

" Thanks "

" I get going now..u too have a safe flight miss "

" Thanks you too "

" Okay now...should we find something to eat instead of your snacks ?"

" sureee"

" u so excited when it comes to food "

" ofc i am "

So i held her hand and interwine it.

We buy something to eat before we get on the plane.

" seems like we have to line up now "

" okay than let's goo"

I push the trolley and put all the luggage for checking up.

And after all that stuff settle we both get in the plane.

Ofc i book first class airplane.
Since this is our first trip together.

" Dear all passengers i am the pilot who incharge for this trip... thank you for choosing our plane...please wear the seatbelt..your safety are our priority...we will take off now..."

Since wony want a seat beside the window.
I let her be.

When the place about to take off i notice she's close her eyes and having troubles breathing.

" babe ? u alright ?"

She shake her head.

" I'm..im afraid.."

" sokay..im here..."
I pull her right hand and caressing it.

She hold it back tight.

I pat her hand and kiss it so that she knows that everything will be okay.

" everything will be just fine..relax.."

When the plane already stable i found that she's slowly calming down.

" u hungry baby ? "

" no...im sleepy"

" just sleep okay...i will wake you up if we arrives "

She nod.

" but can we stay like this ?"

" sure babe "

It's abit challenging for us since flight from seoul to Paris taking about 14 hours and 41 minutes non stop flight.

But since im with her im okay with it.

She's almost asleep for entire flight.

Ofc i wake her up for atlest she eat abit.

Than she sleep back same goes to me after i watch a few movies.

Several hours later

" Dear all passengers we are about to landing please don't get up from your seat...please wear your seatbelt...thank you for choosing us as your plane..have a nice holiday..."

" Baby wake up we are arrived now "

" Mhmmm okayy..."

" u tired ? "

" abit babe...."

" alright we will straight to our hotel and rest okay....how it is sounds?"

" I'm okay with it "

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