97. Happier than ever.

88 7 2

Several years later

Yujin Pov

It's been a while since i seeing leo.
Mom said that he's now are study abord.
Well i hope he did study or else...

Let's just wrap it all here.

Now im living my happy life.
With my wife..wonyoung
and my kid.

" Daddy !! "

" Oh wonjin ah ! you're home !! "

" Daddy ! today mummy said that i can get a present ! "

" Present ?? "

" Yeap ! See i got a perfect score for my mathematics exam ! "

" Wow really ! You are intelligent boy ! "

" Wonjin ah ! Come upstairs ! "
I hear wonyoung shouting from upstairs.

" Daddy don't u have any presents for me ? "

"Uh...mummy call you...better get upstairs now before she's get mad "

" ow..okay..see you later daddy "

" Sure "

He run upstairs excitedly.

I get out from the house and take something inside the car.

Then i get inside the house and make my way to my son room.

Since he's now already turn 15.
He requested a room.

He decorated all of this.
Ofc assist by me.

I Knock the door.
And i see this two mother and son.

" kiyowo "
I said under my breath.

Wonyoung are sitting on the bed.

" Wonjin here it's for u from mummy and daddy since i knew you want this for your birthday it's early birthday present i think ?"


" Ofc honey but if u promise mummy that you will always listen to me and daddy that you will not play
this thing untill u didn't do your homework than i will ask your daddy to take it back...deal ?"

wonyoung does have a motherly nature.
that's why i fall for her.

" Alright wonjin me and you mummy will be at our room..have fun okay ! and please wear your headphones when you play okay ? or else make sure tv volume aren't too loud okay ??"

" Sure daddy ! Thanks for this present ! I love you both ! "
He run to us and we are having a family hug.

" Anything for you wonjin have fun "

" Thank you so much mummy daddy ! "

" Welcome dear..but make sure you are ready for tonight...we will having a dinner at grandma and grandpa house "

" Alright mummy ! "

We both smiling and make our way to our bedroom.

" Baby im sleepy..can you wake me up later ? "

" Sure baby...u sleep first ik you're tired because of the ton of work today..im gonna check on wonjin for a sec "

" come here no need to check on him..he's probably busy with his new playstation..give him a space baby..let's just sleep for a minute..i want your cuddle please "

" eventho we already have wonjin..you always being cligy "

" this is my love language baby come heeeeeeee "

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