89. Mystery

71 7 1

Yujin Pov

Before i meet chaewon and wonyoung father.
Wonyoung keep begging me she's want to accompany me.

Ofc i don't allow it.
She might get her nightmares.
I'm relieved after i get to married her she's slowly not having a bad dreams.
Maybe because of me ?
Before get to sleep we always cuddle.
I'm always on her side.

But she still have to ate her medicine.

Now im at chaewon office.

Ofc meeting this shit guy.

" Yow chae im outside now "

" get in yuj "

" alright meet you soon "

" sure "

Then his bodyguard open the door for me.

I get in.
I saw chaewon first.
Then when he move a little bit.

This figure....
I think i have seen him...
But where ??
when ??
His figure seems familiar..

" Oh you're here yuj..come have a sit "

" thanks "

" open the sack now "

As soon as they remove the sack for his head..

" YOU !?!"

Time skip

After settle meeting him.
I was chilling with chaewon.

Then i got a message from my wife.

" baby where are you ?? when will you get home ?? please back home asap im scared now "

My eyes winded when i saw the massage.

" Uh..chae i gotta go now...wonyoung need me "

" Sure yuj i will let you know if we already got all those prove "

" Thanks chae "

I immediately reply to her text.

" alright baby im on my way..wait for me...i will be there in a minute "

" sure i wait for you "

Wonyoung might be mad at me if she knows i drive in a full limit.


Anyways im already being at mom house area.

I slow down my cars and searching my mom house.

Now i already at the garage.

I get out from my car.

Did some one visit ?
Really ?
At this hour ?

" I'm home ! "
I shout.

" Oh you're here ! Get upstairs wonyoung already at the room go and check on her "
Mom said.

" oh sup yujin "

What are they doing here ??

" What are you doing here ? really ? it's almost midnight"

" Why can't i visit my sister ?? "

There you go...
I didn't mean to be rude but..
Come on common sense atlest..
It's midnight..

" If you want to visit my mom...atlest at the noon now it's midnight..don't you guys have common sens-"

" Yujin.."

" What now mom ?"

" Go upstairs wonyoung already wait for you "

" Mom-"

" Now "

" Fineee "

" Just get your ass upstairs yujin..your hot wife already waiting...if i was you i won't leave her alone tho...i migh-"

"Stfu leo im not like you "

Then mom pull me and smile warmly.

Idk how mom can be this patient with his sister.
If i was her i iwll definitely drive them out.

" Mom if anything happens u know what to do right ?"

Mom nod.
And tap my back.

" Go now don't let wonyoung sleep without you by her side "

I nod and let out heavy sigh.

I glace to him.

" your wife are wait-"

" Fuck..shut the fuck up !"

I yell and immediately get upstairs.

Now im infornt of my door.

But it's lock.

I knock the door.

" Baby ?? "

" Helloooo "

No response..

Shit i lost the key...


" Wonyoung aaa...baby it's me ! "

" Who's there "

Ahh thank god i heard her voice.

" It's your handsome husband hereeeee ! "

" Oh wait ! "

Then the door get opened.

She hug me tight.


" Hey..hey..baby why ?? "
I notice she's sobbing.

" Why did u get home late ! I hate you yujin i hate you ! "


" I'm sorry okay im sorry...im sorry okay ?"

She hit on my chest.
And proceed to slap my hand.

" Arh..."

She's stop what she do.

" b..baby..why...did your hands bleeding ?? what happens ? u hurt ?!"


" Long time no see you huh kid "

" Fuck it ! "

I punch him right on his face.

" You deserve it ! "


" I'm okay..baby...it's just normal things..no need to worries.."

" ahn yujin ! this is are not normal ! "

" Nvm baby it not hurt at all "

" What happens when you meet my dad yujin ?!"

" N..nothing happened okay "

" If there nothing happened then how can you hurt you're hands ???!"

" It's..I...I..get..beaten..but im okay now..now let's rest okay ? it's midnight...we need to rest "

"Let me help you..your hand need som-"

" Baby..."

"Hmm ?"

" I'm okay..really..im okay..now i just need you by my side..and sleep with me..i want you "

" But-"

I pull her closer to our bed and carry her.
Tuck her in.

I lay beside her.

" sleep okay ? i will tell you what happens tomorrow..but now...im exhausted..i want my kisses and cuddle "

She sigh.

" okay... good night baby "

" nigh too jagi "


Thanks for reading !

Yay short chapters hehe

Sorry for the lame update.

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