28. Confessions

71 6 2

Author Pov

Confuse ?

You guys must be wondering how did yujin end up sleeping in the same bed as wonyoung ?




Keep reading okay !


After yujin wish wonyoung good night
He go to his gaming room to play few games with the duck.

Who's duck ?

With Yena ofc!
Who else !
Sakura ?
Hmmm she's busy with eunbi.
Oh no
I mean

So... that night.......................................................................

In the middle of moment yujin's was playing game.
Wonyoung get in to his room.

Which is she can't sleep.


Yujin Pov

" Yah duck are you scare to play more match with me ??"

" Shut up you wild dog !"


" Let's just play one more match this time i will win no matter what !!"

" sure duck..try your best okay ! HAHA "

" keep you mouth close and play ! dog !"

" Yujinn ??"

" Oh..yena give me one second.."

" yess princess ? need anything ? why you didn't sleep yet ?"

" I don't feel asleep after i shower...now i felt fresh"

" do you want to eat ? anything ? a drink ? "

" a drink sounds good "

" sure..but..let me off this pc first.."

She nodded slowly.

" hey duck sorry i need to go now bye !"

" YAHHH why it's always the time that i almost win the game !?!?"

" bye duck HAHA !"

I switch off my pc.

And grab her hand leading her to kitchen.

" Sit..what type of drink do you want ? milk ? strawberry milk ? soju ? wine ? "

" wine ? "

I rise my eyebrows...

" you sure ? "

" yess...i just want to try something new.."

" neww ?"
I tilted my head.

" yupp"

" So..it's your first time to try wine ?..you sure you will be okay with it ?? cuz this wine is abit strong..well if you-"

" i will be okay with it yujin "

" oh..okay than"

I put a glass of wine and pass it to her.

" here "

" thanks yujin"

I nodded and take a sip.

What make me shock which is she really drink well.


We chit chat and talking about random things.
For an hour.
It's already 2 in the morning.

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