12. Dinner

52 6 1

Yujin Pov

We both already play for an hour.

If such a relief for seeing her happy.
I love everything about her.

Her smile.
Her giggle.
Her personality.
Everything related about her i love.

But than i hear someone shout.

" Ahn Yujin !"

We both look at our back which is the living room window.

" Ahh dad !"

" Come inside! Dinner is ready ! "

" Okayy !"

I grab her hand and drag her with me.

" Dad this is wonyoung , and wonyoung this is my dad " I interduce them.

" Ahh annyeonghaseyo uncle "

" Wow she so pretty..you really know how to pull a very good looking girl yujin.."

I chuckled and i can see wonyoung cheeks become red as tomato.

" Correction im not pulling any random girl dad "

" Woah really ?? Can i believe you ?"

" Dad you are the one who give me those flirty tips don't you remember ?!?"

" Anii"

" Ugh really dadd ??"

" enough okayy you both " Mom butt in.

" Come wonyoung don't get near both of them..they always like to bricking around..come with me okay ?...yujin mom borrow her okay..go on you two keep bricking okay bye "

Mom pull wonyoung.

" Ahh mom ! "

Wonyoung and mom look at me.

" Waee"

" i want to come with you two too.."

" nu uh go and spend time with your dad okay..teach him how to play also.." She smirk.

Did mom just smirk at me ??

Oh...i think she's are litterly watching us play just now.
Oh god it's embarrassing.

" it's true son teach me how to play too !"

" Dad you are the one who always coaching me back in the school..why should i teach you ??"

" Hahaha..just let mom spend time with your girlfriends son !"

" She's not my girlfriend yet dad.." I whisper to myself.

" Did you say something just now son ?"

" Oh..no nothing"

" Play with your dad yujin..mom and wonyoung will be at the kitchen..give her rest time okay ?"

" you okay with it wonyoung?" I ask her.

" more than okay yujin..go and spend time with your dad"

" Oh hurm i thought you will stay with me.." I pout.

" Aigooo my son really can't be apart from his girl even for a second.."

" Stop it yujin..you really look like a puppy " She roll her eyes.

" Enough okay..just let me borrow wonyoung okay yujin...bye bye see you guys inside!..come wonyoung follow me"

Mom hold her hand and drag her to get inside.

" Should we play one match ?" Dad ask.

" Sure thing dad !"

We both play for an hour and we get inside too.

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