37. Baby wony

91 6 2

Wonyoung Pov

" baby "

" Hmm ??"

" Did you want me to call mommy for comeover? She must be wondering what are you doing now "
I ask him.

" Oh please baby noo she's will be freaking out later.."

" Well ofc she is"

" So...dont tell mommy please:("

" but she wil-"

I got cut off when i felt a soft pair of lips..

" Yahh"

" gosh your lips really addictive "

" ik"
Confident girl here..

" sure you did"

" okay now rest "

" aaaaaa don't want"

" yah you must rest ! your body didn't get enough rest ! "

" Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"

" okay than keep whining...no kisses and cuddle for this whole weeks.."
I said.

" Woah woah woahh ! Noooo ! That's unfair baby ! Nooo i don't believe you...you can't even survive  if we didn't cuddle before asleep.."

" WOAH you are really that confident huh ahn yujin ? Okay now i accept your challenge ! Bye ! "

Wow he's really...
Okay than..
This time he's really make me piss off.
I fasten my leg to the exit door.

I get up and running to her again.
Omg really..

" Okay baby okay im sorry !!"

" Bye yujin you need rest.."

" But..but baby im sorry im just kiddin-"

" Yuri unnie !"
Since i saw Yena hyung and Yuri unnie get in the room so this is my opportunity.

" oh why wony?"

" im hungryy can unnie accompany me now ?"
I said.

Well it's a lie actually..
I just want to get some air..

" Sure anything for you...where do you want to go ?"

" The mart outside"

" Sure ! Let's go ?"

" Do you want me to follow you two joyul ?"

" No need i will be fine...come wony "

I take a second glance at him and roll my eyes.

At the market

" woahh easy wony"

" im hungryy abit unnie.."

" yea ik but eat it slowly okay.."

" yeaa okay.."

" wony ?"

" hmm ?"

" did something wrong happened just now ? cuz you look grumpy.."

" nothing unnie.."

Than Yuri unnie take my hand and hold it.

" don't try lie to me wony ik you.."

" aniyooo"

" jang wonyoung.."

I sigh.

" it's just.."

" just ? did yujin do something to you ? did he hurt you ? tell me "

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