94 . Suprise

52 5 1

Wonyoung Pov

Past few days before.

Yujin are at his office now..meeting ofc.
I want to get home early but sadly he can't send me.
He try to change the schedule of the meeting but since it's emergency meeting so he can't do anything but to follow the flow.

He call our personal driver and ask them to pick me up.

Lately i always vomit and felt uncomfortable on my body.
I decided to go and check up at the doctor's.
I ask my drive to stop at the hospital since i arrange my schedule with the doctor already.

He drop me.

" Don't tell yujin okay ? Wait here im not gonna be long "
I said to him.

" Sure mrs ahn "

I immediately get inside the hospital.

Time skip

" Alright mrs ahn..i have a few question before we proceed to tell you about it.."

" Sure doc what was it ? "

" Did lately u felt dizzy and nauseous for no reason ? Or maybe u get vomit ? "
He ask.

Well i nod several times.

" uhm yes i did having it for this week and last week.."

He nod.

" Congratulations mrs ahn you're pregnant..and your pregnancy has already reached 2 weeks"
He said.

I was so confused..

" Are you....sure doc that im pregnant ???"
I ask him.

He smile.

" Nurse help Mrs Ahn to lay on the bed we will check her pregnancy using the scanner...get the things ready "

And the nurse help me to lay on the bed.

The nurse help to scanned my stomach.

" Mrs Ahn...did u see it ? "

The nurse ask me.

I nod slowly.

" Congratulations for your pregnancy Mrs Ahn "
She said.

" Omg...i can't believe it...thank you for the wishes.."

Time skip

After settle the check up.
I ask my driver to stop at the store nearby.
I buy a pregnancy test kit.
And a little cute box.
So that i can suprise my husband with it.
He must be happy !

I get home and immediately try the test kit.
And ofc it did show double line.

I put the pregnancy test kit and the picture on the box.
And put it inside the plastic bag.


Now im in the office doing my works.
Ofc yujin too.

Then i hear yujin's phone ringing.
He pick up the phone.
And i proceed to just do my works.

But then i hear yujin shouting.

He yell.

That's make me shock a little bit..
What wrong with him ?
I was so curious who did he talking to and what kind of topic that they are talking...until he yell ?

" Baby ? Who's that ? Why did you yell just now ??"
I ask him.

I notice he het up from his chair and go to my table.

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