86. Clingy

99 4 5

Wonyoung Pov

I awake from sleep and i notice that i already at our room.
When i turn to left side.
There he is.
He still asleep.
I wonder what did he and chaewon talking about.
Maybe it's about work.

" ik your husband are handsome...like what you see ?"
He said with his husky voice.

I thought he's asleep.

" why makes you up babe ? "
He ask.

" No...my head feels dizzy..and i want to get some water "

" Oh..nvm stay..i will get it for you "

I nod.

He get off and walk to his pc.
He takes some water.
Since he had a mini fridge beside the pc.

" Here.."

" Thanks baby "

He smile and sit beside me.

" Still dizzy ? "

" Mhmm "

" I gotta get some medicin-"

" No no..u don't have to "

" But you ar-"

" Noo im okay...if i sleep after this it will be okay "

" Let's cuddle...it's still early to get up "

I felt nausea.
It's so uncomfortable.

I run to the bathroom and kneeling down.
ahh it's so hurt.

I can feel yujin's hand caresing my back.

" slowly let it out "

After i vomit my body feels weak..more weaker than before.
I can't even walk properly.

Ofc yujin carry me and lay me on the bed.

" Let's go check up baby...lately you always vomit..im worry "

" Nvm...its nothing baby..im not feeling well you know that right ? So this is normal things will happen when you aren't well "

" I know baby but-"

" Let's sleep...im tired "

" Alright..come "

I snuggle to his nape and he's put his hand on my waist and pull me closer.

" Ahh i love this..you are so warm...sleep okay ? "

I close my eyes and slowly dozing off.

Yujin Pov

I was sleeping i felt someone are staring at me.
I slowly open my eyes.

Wonyoung are staring at me.
Gotcha !

" ik your husband are handsome...like what you see ?"
I tease her.

" why makes you up babe ? "
I ask her.

" No...my head feels dizzy..and i want to get some water "

" Oh..nvm stay..i will get it for you "

She nod.

I get off and walk to my pc.
I takes a water bottle.
Since i had a mini fridge beside the pc.

" Here.."
I handed it to her.

" Thanks baby "

I smile and sit beside her.

" Still dizzy ? "

" Mhmm "

" I gotta get some medicin-"

She pull me back.

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