59. Day before

27 5 1

Wonyoung Pov

" NOOO !!! MOMMM !!"


I was asleep than i hear yujin shouting.

" baby ??! hey baby !! wake up!"

" H-huhh ??"
He's awake now.

" you having a nightmare...see you are sweat profusely..im here..hmm?"

" wonyoung aaa..i-i"

" relax baby im here...im not going anywhere hmm ? breath slowly...take a deep breath and let it out slowly..okay...im here...everything gonna be alright..."

I hug her so that's he's more calm.

" don't..leave me wonyoung...please i begging you..i-i want you...please don't ever leave me alone..im..im alone baby...i-i"
He's sob.

" Shhh...im here...im here...im here..relax..breath baby..breath..stay here i want to take some water"

" No..i don't need any other things..stay here please.."

" Baby your are sweating...i need to get towel so that i can clean it"

" No need..im okay..stay..please stay.."

He still don't want to let me go away from him.

I sigh and i pull her closer make his face to lean on neck and i caresing his hair.

" Sleep baby..you need it "

He put his hand around my waist and pull me more closer.

And he's slowly dozing off.

Past one hour

He's half awake i think cuz he keep mumbling.

" Mom , mom , mom , dad , im sorry "
Something like that.

I pat his cheeks hope he wakes up and opens his eyes.
But he didn't.

I cares his cheeks slowly and kiss it.
I wonder what kind of dream that's he's in now.

I hug him.

" Wonyoung...where are you.."

" I'm here...im here..hmm why ?"

" Hug "

I chuckled.

I hug him.

But then yujin phone's ringing.

Yujin Pov

" Hello mom ??"

" Oh good morning son..did wonyoung awake now ?"

" uh yeah she's awake now..why mom ?"

" Seriously ahn yujin ?? Tomorrow is your wedding !"

" Ahh mom ik ik...dont shout...my ears...ouchh"

" pass this phone to her "

" okay okay "

" Baby..mommy want talk to you "

She take my phone and answer it.

Right after she take the phone she walk away from me.

I sigh and wake up from my bed and directly go to the bathroom.

I take around 20 minutes for settle up.

" Babe ??"

" Babe where are yo- ohh mom ? you're here ? when did you get here ??"

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