69. It's time ( 2 )

41 4 2

Wonyoung Pov

Lately yujin become more clingy and always asking for a cuddle.

I just let him be maybe because of the ton of work he's get stressed out.
One fact about this puppy he doesn't like to express his feelings i mean if he stress out he will come to me and ask for a kisses and cuddle.
Since im his wife i have to always being there for him.

While i was enjoy yujin's hand caresing my hair he got a call.

" Hello ? Yena ? Why did you call ? "
Oh...it's Yena hyung.

I abit confused cuz it's almost midnight..maybe about work ?

They talking but seems serious..cuz they are shouting..
But this is normal things will happen if yujin on call with Yena hyung they always bricking around.

Than he end the call.

" Hmm baby what's wrong ?"
I ask.

" this yena duck ask me to go office right now "

" Haaa ? what forr babe it's almost midnight now "

" Ik but he's said that's it's urgent"

" i see.."

" get ready baby "

" can't i just wear this hoodie babe ? it's midnight no one will be at the office it's just you and yena hyung right ?"

" oh..yea nvm u can wear anything you want..come let's go"

He held my hand and help me get inside the car.

As soon as we arrived.

We both get into the lift and get inside yujin's office room.

Oh yena hyung already here.

" Baby you seat at that couch okay ? "

I nod and walk away.
I seat at the coach and scrolling down my phone.

But then i hear a loud sound coming from the door.
And it's revealed..
H..how did.. he's here !?

I saw my brother..
Sunghoon and kai..
Yuna ??!?

He come to me and drag me out from the room.
I shout loudly.

Cuz i saw kai beat yujin's with a baseball bat on his back.

Than yujin's pass out.

I shout

" Shut up wonyoung ! Now follow me ! "
Sunghoon said while force draging me.

Not again....

But i didn't see yena hyung.
Where did he goes i hope he's alright.

But my yujin..

Sunghoon...he push me on the floor infront of the yujin's office door.

" It's been awhile since i taste your body wonyoung...you know my dick keep missing your pussy...dad have the same feeling as me..now let me give you some pleasure..its sad cuz yujin aren't the one who make you lost your virgin..but idc..now let's having some fun-arghh shit it's hurt !"

" Know me ? Taste this !!"

" Kai what did you just stay there fight them !"

" Yah ! Finish them ! "

" Wonyoung....come with me "

" Chae-chaewon hyung ??"

" Yes come let's go "

" N-no yujin's he's...he got beaten inside there..get him...now..please..i..i can't lose him please!"

" yes yes ik but this is yujin's request..now let's go first "

" No !! Go and help yujin ! "

" Wonyoung hear me out...i will help yujin but this is yujin has been asking for...he want you to be safe..now come with me first i will help him okay ?"

" Noo yujinn !!"

Why he's always being selfish !!
I hate him !

He always making me as his first priority !
He's always being like this i hate him so much !

Chaewon hyung bring me out side.

" Stay here okay ? I will bring yujin's for you but promise me stay still here if you don't yujin will definitely kill me...please ik you will not letting me died at yujin's hand.."
He chuckle.

Seriously chaewon ?
He's still can make a joke ?

I nod.

" Please help yujin's..."
My voice slowly cracking.

" Shh stay here...i will okay i will...yah you two keep an eye at her...i you can't do this job properly you will know what's yujin can do to both of you if he's know you both aren't do your job properly...you know how scary yujin are when it's come to his wife safety.."

Im in yujin's car.

They both nod several times.

" Sure boss we will do our job properly"

" Good..wonyoung if you tired..sleep okay..i will make sure whenever you open your eyes..yujin's already beside you.."

Ahhh goo noww !
Yujin's are in danger !!

I nod.
And he's immediately run back inside.

But it's already been an hour..still don't have any clue from him.

I saw both of bodyguard are slowly dozing off...i slowly get out from the car.

I get back inside his office.

I need to find yujin !

But than i felt a big hand cover my mouth and i smell something really stink.
My vision slowly get blur.

" Hey sweet girl wake up "

Huh ?
Sounds like kai voice..

I open my eyes slowly.
And i was so shocked seeing yena hyung already laying on the floor.

All around his body..





But i remain silent.

" Wow...wow..wow..seems like someone really missing my cock huh ? Kai ? Don't you want to join me ? "

"  tsh why not ? "

" hold her kai im gonna tear her hoodies !"

" sure ! "



Sorry guys HAHA

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