35. Rest

66 5 1

Yujin Pov

I let wonyoung won this time..
she force me to go to the hospital..
thanks to that duck...and his hamster...

And now..
I'm here...
When i opened my eyes...
The place that i really hate the most..

My fever isn't that bad..
It's just 36.7....

Well kinda appreciate it..
since i knew someone else love and care for me besides my parents..

" Baby it's time to eat"

Oh she's here..

Woah she's really looking good even in simple outfit.
( It's mine btw )

" Can't i skip it ?" I pout.

" Na uhhh naurr you can't!"

" waeee"

" if you want to fast recovery than you have to eat.. come i will feed you.."

" But i don't have any appetite..."

" what..really ahn yujin?.."

Did she just call me using my full name...
okay that's kinda scary...


" I cook this porridge for you...seems like you didn't have interest to try even abit...okay than i will throw this away..rest well yujin.."



" Wonyoung !"

She walk away.


I get down and run to her.

" Hey baby where are you going ?"

" Let me go yujin"

" Okay okay im sorry okay ?"

" Yujin..let me go"

" Okay wony okay i will eat it!"

" don't force yourself yujin..it's okay..now let me go..i need some air.."

" Nope until you feed me"

" You said that you didn't want to eat..than go to your bed and rest."

" But...but now im hungryy.. can't you stay with me ? feed me please:( okay baby im soo sooo soooo sooo sorryyyyyy okayy im sorry ik im dump...sorry really baby...im soryyy"

Wonyoung Pov

I ask Yena hyung and Yuri unnie to persuade
him to go to the hospital.

Before i go to visit him.
I ask Yuri unnie help for teach me how to cook porridge.

" Done ! Nice try wony!"

" Awww thanks unnie ! "

" So now let's go to the hospital"

At the hospital

I get in and I saw he still asleep.
So i seat beside his bed and scroll my phone.

But then he's awake.
He already stare at me.
Omg gosh..

Those eyes...

" Baby it's time to eat"
I said.

" Can't i skip it ?" He pout.

" Na uhhh naurr you can't!"
I replied.

" waeee"

" if you want to fast recovery than you have to eat.. come i will feed you.."

" But i don't have any appetite..."

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