Vaughn's pov

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I couldn't believe she forgave me. A smile crept across my face as I dialed Lydia's number. After two rings, a cheerful voice chirped, "Sooooooo, did she forgive you?" she asked, brimming with excitement. "Yes, she did," I muttered as I turned the steering wheel while driving. Lydia squealed, exclaiming, "OMG, OMG! I'm going to get a sister-in-law! I don't even know! Anyway, I'm really happy for you, Vaughn." "Thanks, Lyd, but try not to be so loud next time," I chuckled. "Oops, sorry," she winced. Just then, my dad called in. "Hold up, Lyd, my dad's calling," I said. "No worries, I have to go anyways. Bye!" she said, ending the call. I accepted my father's call, saying, "Hi, Dad." "Hi, son," he greeted. "Hi, Dad," I muttered as I took a right turn toward "I'll make it quick since you're driving, but I was wondering, are you going to the Bratava Gala next week?" he asked. "Yes, Dad, I am, and I'm bringing a date this time," I smirked, even though I hadn't asked Alicia yet. "A date?" My dad was taken aback. "Yeah, a date," I muttered. "Oh, I'm just surprised. But remember, son, don't commit too much because you know you have to marry someone within the Bratva. Don't get distracted from your duties, okay, son?" "Of course, Dad. I have to go to class now. Bye," I closed the call and groaned as I remembered I had to marry someone other than Alicia. I opened my car door and started heading towards the entrance. Just then, a brunette popped up in front of me and purred, "Hi, Vaughn," as she trailed her long red nails across my chest. I abruptly pushed her away and said, "What the fuck are you doing?" "I thought you liked it when I did that. Remember the party?" she suggested. "That was fucking five months ago, and it was just a hookup. Get the fuck away from me," I snapped, pushing her aside, and headed to my class."Yo, V, heard you got your girl," Nikolai side-bumped me. "Yeah, I guess," I blushed. "You still haven't told us who it is," Nikolai asked. "You might see her at the gala," I replied as Nikolai slowly walked out of the classroom, muttering a goodbye. Just then, Alicia walked in, looking around for a seat. I abruptly stood up and headed towards her, giving her a twirl. "OMG, I didn't realize you were in this class," she exclaimed. "I didn't know you were either," I said as I guided her to my seat. "Okay, class, we will start today with some research before dissecting animals tomorrow. Choose a partner," the teacher announced. Alicia's doe eyes looked at me as she asked, "Wanna be partners?" I replied, "Of course," as we began researching. I asked her, "Do you want to go to this gala with me? It's really chill, just the Bratva." "Yeah, sure. Send me the details. I need to buy a dress, though," she replied. "Don't worry, I'll get the dress," I assured her. "Okay," she blushed as she continued her work.

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