Vaughn's pov

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Authors note: GOD OF DEMISE will be out soon, should i post the blurb, trope, cover, and release date here or are you guys not interested. if you want me to post it comment down below!!!

It's been a day. One agonizing, endless day since Alicia was torn from my grasp. A day without knowing if she was safe, without feeling her warmth beside me, without knowing that she was mine, and mine alone.

I tugged at my hair in frustration, the strands slipping through my fingers as I downed another burning shot of whiskey. The alcohol did little to dull the ache in my heart - a pain that consumed me, body and soul.

I heard the soft, familiar voice of my mother filtering through the door. "That's it, I'm going in. I can't leave my son heartbroken like this."

"Leave me alone, Mom. Please," I grumbled, wincing at the harshness in my tone.

"I told you, Solnyshko, we should have done it my way," my father's gruff voice rumbled in response.

"You're going to get it now, you fucker!" he bellowed. "How dare you use that tone with your mother!"

I remained silent. No one had prepared me for the gaping hole that had opened up beside me.

"Be careful, Solnyshko," my father cautioned, before leaping through the tear in the floor, my mother cradled protectively in his arms. She broke free of his grasp, rushing to my side and wrapping me in her loving embrace.

"Darling, we came as soon as we heard," she cooed, her gentle fingers brushing the tears from my cheeks.

"You fucker, stop sulking!" my father growled, ripping me from my mother's warm hold. "I taught you better than this. Get your ass up!"

"But, Luchik, he's so upset," my mother argued, her voice laced with concern. "My poor baby."

"Look what you did, you fucker," my father muttered. "Solnyshko, how about you let me handle this, okay?"

My mother huffed in frustration but relented, pressing a tender kiss to my forehead before retreating. My father sat beside me on the bed, his hand gripping my shoulder.

"Now, are you going to tell me what happened?" he asked.

"Someone took her," I forced out, my hands fisting the bedsheets.

My father's eyes softened, a glimmer of understanding dawning in their depths. "I see, son. Have you tried looking for clues?"

"No," I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper.

"Well, if you'd looked hard enough, you'd know it's connected to the person who's been stealing from us," he growled, rising from the bed and striding toward the door. "Fuck, where are you, baby?" I whispered, desperation lacing my words.

And then, a ping from my phone - a photo from an anonymous number. There she was, my Alicia, bound and in pain. Without a moment's hesitation, I grabbed my coat and gun, hurrying to my car. It was time to bring her home, to make her mine again, no matter the cost.

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