Vaughn's pov

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I slid into my Mustang, my mind still reeling from what had happened in the storage room. The way her body melted into mine, her curves fitting perfectly under my palm, and the way her eyes fluttered as she shuddered under my touch. Fuck, I was fighting the overwhelming urge to ravish her right then and there. I let out a low groan, my hand instinctively cupping my aching cock. I couldn't resist any longer, so I unzipped myself and imagined her flustered expression as I pumped in and out, pleasure building until I reached my release, spilling onto the seat. I opened the glove compartment and grabbed a wet wipe, hastily cleaning up the seat. What was she doing to me?

Before I could delve further into my thoughts, my phone rang, displaying the name Jeremy on the screen. I swiped to answer and was met with the sound of grunts on the other end. I waited for a moment until Jeremy's voice came through, "Vaughn, want to go to the fight club tonight to release some steam?"

"Sure, who am I up against?" I replied, my mind still consumed by the encounter with her.

"Your choice. When you get there, see you at 7," Jeremy said, ending the call. I glanced at the time, realizing it was already 6:30, and the fight club was far away. I needed to start driving if I wanted to make it in time.

As I stepped out of my car and headed toward the club, Arya y blocked my path. She cursed in Russian, saying, "' vaughn вон, ты до сих пор не подписал брачный договор, ты все еще хочешь жениться или нет?''

Translation: "Vaughn, you still haven't signed the marriage contract. Do you still want to get married or not?"

I let out an exasperated huff. "Arya, you don't want to marry me either. You don't have some mechanical guy you love," I replied in english. She laughed dryly, switching to English.

"You don't get it, do you? If I don't marry you, I'll get kicked out of the house. And his name is Barry," she retorted.

"Well, go running back to Barry, because I don't need our stupid marriage anymore," I snapped back.

"But you do. If you marry someone outside the Bratva, you won't secure your position as Pakhan. So, you have to marry me," she yelled, her voice filled with frustration.

"Just get the paperwork done by next month, or my parents are going to come after you," Arya threatened, before turning on her heels and walking away.

I cursed under my breath as I checked my phone, realizing it was already 7:00. Without wasting another second, I sprinted towards the entrance of the fight club, greeted by the cacophony of chants and the dazzling lights.

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