Alicia's pov

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Authors note: short chapter because i don't want this story to end soon 😭😭😭😭
I gasped as he his hands cupped my throat as his hot breath fanned my face "No, Alicia," he growled, "You are the only one I want. The only woman I want to wake up next to, the only women i want to fuck, the only women i want to marry, the only women i want to carry my children," he growled as he slammed his lips against mine , i leaned into him smelling his whisky scent. He pulled back a little and whispered , "I love pinning you like this, feeling your pulse beneath my palm. I could end you so easily, but I love you more." As he slams back against my mouth, my heart pounding as I pushed him back and ran to the bathroom, my hands shaked as I washed my face calming myself down "why did I push him away," I groaned. because he's a married man Alicia. "Hello Alicia," a shadow said from the corner of the bathroom. I stepped backwards as he came forwards and holds a barrel of the gun against my head "shsh this is going to hurt a little," he whispered as blackness coats my vision, spots danced everywhere, I could be dead, but all I thought about was Vaughn, "you're the only one I want," he says and I believe every word.

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