Vaughn's pov

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The world swam into focus, the steady beeping of machines and the warmth of my father's hand grounding me. As my eyes fluttered open, the sight of his worried face brought a faint smile to my lips.

"Dad," I croaked, my voice raspy and strained. The relief that washed over his features was palpable.

"You're awake, son," he said, his grip tightening on my hand. "How are you feeling?"

I took a moment to assess the dull ache in my chest, the IV lines snaking along my arm. "Sore, but alive." My gaze drifted to the empty chair beside him. "Where is she?"

A gentle smile played on my father's lips. "She was just here a few hours ago. I'll have your mother call her, alright?"

As if on cue, the door creaked open and my mother stepped in, her eyes shining with unshed tears. "Vaughn, my darling boy." She hurried to my bedside, enveloping my hand in both of hers. "We were so worried."

I squeezed her hand, my heart swelling with gratitude. "I'm okay, Mom. Where's Alicia?"

My mother exchanged a glance with my father, the unspoken words passing between them. "Here, your father has your phone. Call her, Vaughn. She's been waiting to hear from you."

With trembling fingers, I took the phone, my pulse quickening as I scrolled to Alicia's number. Each ring felt like an eternity, my breath catching in my throat until finally, a familiar voice answered.

"Vaughn?" Her voice was thick with emotion, tinged with disbelief. "Oh, my God, Vaughn, is that you?"

"Alicia," I breathed.

"Shh, it's okay," she interrupted, her words laced with tenderness. "I'm just glad you're alright. I was so worried, Vaughn. I need to see you, can I come to the hospital?"

"Of course alica," I said smiling to myself.

As my parents slipped out of the room,
I knew that in this moment, nothing else mattered but the woman I loved. Whatever lay ahead, we would face it together.

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