⚠️ kill me kill me kill me S O B S

498 8 144


Banspace smut.

dont read if your either under 16/ a fricking child (4-10, roughly) or just arent comfortable with this in general

Also im pretty sure banspace IS the proper name bc theres no way in hell that sub would top ban. ban is a demigod, practically a foot taller than sub, and is a warden.

Sub is literally js a scientist.

im rambling bc i dont want to write this but i also do wat to write this but i also diony fjhcdbhjsbzs bnghasdba

chances are this'll be very repetitive when it actually does get into the whole thing (yknow)


Golden id rather u not read this .>.'

+3rd Person+

Subspace practically throws his lab coat off and to the side as he walks through the door, mist venting through his mask as he sighed. Ban Hammer looks up from where he was sitting, raising an eyebrow.


Subspace nods, slipping into his room to change into his sweater before walking back out to the living room and then yelping as he felt Ban Hammer's claws encircle his waist. A moment later the warden had successfully pulled Subspace into his embrace, completely ignoring Subspace's momentary struggles.



"But I still have work i need t-"

"Your tired."

"I am not-!"

"You admitted it a couple moments earlier." The warden hums, burying his face into the crook of Subspace's neck.


"No working."


"And that doesn't mean wait for me to fall asleep and then grab your laptop all sneakily. Because you walk very loud."

"Haven't you slept through literal earthquakes?"


"Then how do you wake up to me walking?"

"That's just how loud you walk."

"Your exaggerating." Subspace huffs

Ban Hammer rolls his eyes beneath his blindfold. "Sleep"

"I'm not tired though"

Ban Hammer snorts. "Bullshit"

"Im not!"


Subspace blinks, twisting his head to briefly stare at Ban Hammer. Normally, the warden was crazy stubborn. But it worked out to pass the time because he himself was just as stubborn. Because he always knew he was right. Mostly. "Wait, actually?"

Ban Hammer hums a response, having completely switched his demeanour. His tail twines itself around Subspace's and he lets his claws trail down before sinking into the fabric of Subspace's sweater.

Subspace, being completely oblivious, lets a purr build in his throat.

Ban Hammer, of course, continues, his claws briefly grazing the waistband of Subspace's pants before dipping under his sweater, smirking as he felt Subspace tense with a slight whine.
"B-ban—" Subspace starts, the hint of need in his voice slight but still noticed by Ban Hammer.
"What? You said you weren't tired," The wardens tone then dropping into a low purr as he trailed one hand up Subspace's chest, the other slipping back out of Subspace's sweater to tug the scientists mask off. "'Thought I'd help ya' a bit"
"W-were on the couch—"
Subspace bites back yet another whine as Ban Hammer's claws trail dangerously close to the scarring on his chest. Eventually finding his voice again. "The beds more comfortable-"
Ban Hammer rolls his eyes at the look Subspace gives him, the stubbornness of it ruined by how flushed his face was from the minor teasing. "Fine, fine" In one smooth movement, he pulls his hands away and picks up Subspace, the smaller still,yelping slightly despite the demigod's obvious intentions.
And so they go to the bedroom. Ban Hammer immediately setting Subspace down on the bed. A smirk starting to form on his lips as Subspace already tries reaching up to remove the wardens shirt.
"Needy?" Ban Hammer hums, although he let Subspace do what he wanted for the time being.
"Shut it." Subspace huffs, succeeding after a couple moments.
After both demons were fully undressed (I'm not describing their fucking dicks. Fuck off) Ban Hammer, refusing to wait even a moment, pins Subspace down and, with his free hand, sliding open a drawer and retrieving lube.
Subspace, now choosing to be quiet for some reason, tilts his head in an attempt to see what was taking Ban Hammer this long.
Ban Hammer just finished putting the gel on his fingers before speaking. "Prep."
"I don't need it."
"Yes you do."
"I don—"
Ban Hammer chooses the most effective way of shutting Subspace up. Sliding a finger into the scientists ass, smirk widening into a grin as Subspace cuts off with a moan, before just burying his face into the pillow in front of him.
"You do," Ban Hammer says again, eventually adding a second and third finger, knowing full well that his lover was a masochist. And, as was probably obvious, Subspace had already became a mess of whimpers and the occasional moan.
"Still suck at staying quiet~" The warden taunts, Subspace managing a hiss in response. Ban Hammer adds a fourth finger, spreading his claws ever so slightly for the sole purpose of stretching Subspace out.
Once Ban Hammer could tell that Subspace was adequately prepped, he slides his fingers out, wiping them off on the sheets.
Subspace lets out a dissapointed whine.
"Relax" Ban Hammer says gruffly, barely even prepping himself before positioning himself on top of Subspace again; slowly pushing his way into the scientist, stretching the tight heat around his cock as he slides in inch by inch into the smaller's ass.
Subspace's moans grow progressively louder, his back arching.
"Fuck yeah, you like that?~" Ban Hammer starts a slow rhythm, pulling almost all the way out before plowing back in, going rough yet slow.
Subspace can only respond with moans, words practically forgotten as everything inside his mind became a mess, fogged over by lust.
Ban Hammer eventually reaches a fast-rough pace, slamming into Subspace with a force that makes the mattress groan beneath them.
After a bit of shifting, Subspace jolts with a much louder moan as Ban Hammer hit a certain spot inside him that sent stars spinning around his vision. "S-sh— mn— Ban- right there—"
Ban Hammer's grin grows, he pulls one hand away from Subspace's hip to dig into the mattress, claws easily tearing through the fabric as he anchored himself to hit that one spot every time.
At some point, Subspace feels a familiar heat start to pool in his stomach, already tight walls tightening further around Ban Hammer's cock.
Ban Hammer bites back a groan, determined to maintain most of his composure, although the one hand remaining on Subspace's hip had dug in fully, claws sinking into the flesh just enough to draw blood, which, for Subspace, just added to the pleasure. Which brought him, after one last hard thrust, to his edge, his breath hitching as he cried out one last time, walls tightening further. Ban Hammer mumbles a praise, now focusing on riding out his own release.
With a final, powerful thrust, Ban Hammer releases himself inside of Subspace's ass, panting as he held the position for a bit before pulling out, a purr building in his throat as he looked at Subspace who looked thoroughly exhausted from the rough treatment. Although he had enjoyed it immensely.
Ban Hammer briefly cleans himself and Subspace up before settling Subspace under the covers and settling in with him, pulling the scientist close and burying his face into the crook of his neck.
"Tired now?"
Subspace nods, still half zoned-out, mind still fogged from the experience.
Subspace eventually clears his mind— and thoughts —"yknow I'm going to feel like Inpherno tomorrow morning, right?-"
"And I have work"
"Yes. That is indeed where you'll hurt most" Ban Hammer taunts; Subspace just managing a small growl before sleep took him under.

Word Count: 1309
Hope this is suffice.
It'll take a bit before I'm ready to write this shit again.

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