Parental Trauma

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VALK ANGST YAAAAAY (No deaths dont worry, i wont kill any cats)
Also I have writers block rn so idk how to start this, it might be a short one shot.
Abuse Warning, FuckValksParents]:< Warning


Valk hums to himself as unlocks and steps through the door, just a couple minutes earlier he had sent a text to Boombox asking if he wanted to come over, almost immediately he had gotten a reply text that was basically Boombox saying he would be there as quick as he could. He trots into his room, flopping face first onto his bed while he waited.
He heard the familiar pitter patter of paws and looked up to see his cat pad into the room, mewing as she pounced up onto the bed.
"Hi Espresso!" Valk hums, reaching out to scratch a the fluff under Espresso's chin, earning a purr from the cat.

Playing with Espresso would be a fun way to pass the time until Boombox arrived, so Valk retrieved a feather-wand-thing (Im so descriptive. Idk how to write filler pls help) and  entertained both himself and Espresso for awhile.

At some point, the kitten's attention was draws to the window, her ears perking up as she completely forgot about the toy, instead racing out of Valk's room and presumably down the stairs to go sit by the door.

Valk sat up and then got out of bed to go greet Boombox.

He was already down the stairs by the time there was a knock on the door, by some miracle he managed not to slide-crash into the door and caught his balance moments before crashing into Espresso, who looked up at him with that cat-stare that all cats seemed to use whenever they wanted to look like they were going to murder you. "Sorry?" Valk offers to his cat, the latter just mewing in response.

Valk just giggles before opening the door, tilting his head the slightest bit up so he could actually look at Boombox and not stare directly at his chest.

"How did you answer the door that fast-? I barely even had time to finish knocking-"

Valk just grins. "Espresso saw you!"

Espresso, as if on cue, meows before clawing her way up Boombox's leg, torso, and then perching on his shoulder looking very dignified and proud of herself.

"Ow- How's she already have claws that sharp-" Boombox mumbles, wincing as the kitten once again dug her claws further into his skin to balance herself.

Valk laughs, reaching out and gently lifting Espresso away and down onto the floor. "She likes climbing and also uses her scratching post around 15 times a day."

"You count?"



"'cuz its fun! Also because she's very silly and adorable and I love watching her."

"It would be really funny if ya' weren't talking about a cat and instead some random demon."

Valk replied by swatting at him, except it failed miserably when Boombox just caught his wrist and pulled him into a hug. Which honestly he didn't mind.

"Hey!-" He complained, attempting to push away from Boombox and once again failing because the Phighter was strong. Or maybe Valk was just weak, actually no, it was probably just the fact that Boombox did Phight's almost daily.

Eventually Boombox did release him and he stepped back, latching onto Boombox's hand and then dragging him away and up the stairs, starting to chatter on and on about different activities and things they could do. Roughly half of them involving annoying Dom.

(Timeskip. this is angst not fluff and im already at half of 1000. Its the next day now btw)

Valk sits up in bed, rubbing his eyes tiredly as the sun interrupts his sleep. Espresso was at the foot of his bed, asleep and somehow managing to ignore the sun, while Boombox was dead asleep beside him, oblivious to the annoying light coming through his curtains.

Phighting stuff, idk, lolWhere stories live. Discover now