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Zukabroker req
Emo Zuka.


Zuka was just trying to relax for once, Rocket had gone out and he had finished everything he had to do at his shop, having just closed the metal slider over the front of it. He was now inside the shop, not having the desire to go home yet, and was resting against a table.

And then the stupid red phone rang.

So, with a sigh, he picked it up.


'Hi Zukes!!!!! Glad you picked u--'

Zuka abruptly put the phone down the moment he realized it was Broker. He was not in the mood to take any more jobs.

The phone rings again, he just ignores it, lighting a cigar and going back to leaning against the table.

The phone, of course, keeps ringing. Zuka keeps ignoring it. Eventually, the ringing stops and the phone falls silent. Zuka exhales a puff of smoke, mentally sighing in relief. He could finally maybe sleep for a bit. At least, if Rocket didn't come back from wherever he was, all hyper.

But apparently the Gods' had other plans because he heard a fist banging on the metal followed by over enthusiastic shouting.

With another heavy sigh, he extinguishes his smoke, tossing it into the garbage bin.

He starts to open the door when he sees the lock moving.

A moment later the door swings open and hes tackled with a hug. He probably would of fallen over if he wasnt- unfortunately -used to it.

"Hi!!!" Broker chirps, Zuka immediately shoving him away with a slight growl.

"Why are you here." He huffs. He was already regretting disposing of his cigar.

(Because i can! and then Broker ges shot with a railgun ot xukas baxoooa idk *Golden made me write this bit*)

"Cuz' you didnt respond to my calls! So i thought id come visit you!!"

"Where even were you that you got here this fast-?"

"Oh! I was just collecting something from a demon who owed me!"
"So I'm going to assume you collected one of their organs." Zuka says flatly.
Broker giggles with a stupid grin. "Yep!! How'd ya' guess?"
Zuka sighs. "Unfortunately Im pretty sure I saw you do it once."
Broker just giggles. Again. Zuka had no idea why this full grown demon always acted like a child. It was stupid, really. Yet, for some reason, some idiotic, unfathomable reason, he found it endearing.
Broker exclaims something else, Zuka just tuning him out at this point. His temples were starting to hurt from Broker's voice. Which was just a pitch higher than most demons. And it was annoying.
He bites back a growl, he assumed he was less tolerant when it came to other demons. Probably because his original Faction was Blackrock. He was used to the way they acted, despite having left the Faction almost the exact moment he had taken Rocket under his wing. Occasionally he'd see someone from Blackrock— minus the three that were Phighters —and most often they'd act cold towards him, saying he was a traitor and blah blah blah, shut up, no one cares, go rant to tree or something.

He finally does growl as he feels a sharp jab to his side. Right. Broker. He had forgotten about him. "What." He huffs, looking down at the demon. (5'7 6'4 height difference *holy shit Zuka's tall)
"You weren't listening!" The dealers tone was accusatory.
"I couldn't care less about what you do."
"So I can kiss you-?"
Zuka opens his mouth then closes it, staring at Broker. "Come again-?"
"Nothing!!" Of course, Broker giggles again. (He's so silly, the stupid rat demon)
"So you didn't just say you wanted to ki—"
Zuka blinks. Then sighs, running his hand down his face. "I think I'm gonna go home"
"Aww, come on! Stay for a bit! I wanna talk with you!!"
"You call me 5 times everyday. Minimum."
"Yeah but you never answer half the time!"
"It's because you're annoying."
"I am not!"
"You are."
Zuka ignores Broker's continued protests, instead grabbing his truck keys from his pocket and walking out of his shop, Broker unfortunately following behind him, still talking about something to do with Banland's warden imprisoning him in a cell that was too hot for his liking. It was dumb really.
The former Blackrockian stops just before he gets into his truck, turning to stare at Broker, who had just leapt into the bed of his truck like some sort of rat monkey.
"What are you doing."
"...Coming with?-" the demons tone was overly hopeful. (HOEFUL. HAHAAHHAHA)
"I never said you could—"
"You're just going to follow me home anyways, aren't you."
"Yep!" Broker chirps, that stupid grin still plastered on his face.
Zuka groans but gets into the drivers seat of his truck, starting it up and driving— with Broker probably lounging in the bed —back to his house.
(Silly time skip. I hate writing car rides and I don't know why)
The moment Zuka unlocks his door and steps into his house. Hearing first a crash as Broker fell out of the truck-bed, and then scuffling noises and he scrambled to his feet and skipped. Skipped. SKIPPED. Inside the house.
Zuka was already regretting his decision.
He sits down, Broker, having been snooping around the house (ngl, I did that when I was younger. New house? IM INVESTIGATIN') then comes running from the hallway and nearly pounces on Zuka, determined for cuddles because he is an attention depraved rat.
"Off." Zuka growls, pushing Broker off, the demon only clinging tighter to his chest.
"You're more stubborn than Rocket.." Zuka mutters under his breath.
Broker just purrs (yes) nuzzling closer to the ex-soldier.
With probably his 72nd sigh, Zuka relents and gives up on pushing Broker away.
Broker, being Broker, responds with that kiss he mentioned, although Zuka somehow noticed and pulled away so it instead was a cheek-kiss.
"Do it again and I break your arm."
"No promises Zukes'!!"
"Call me 'Zukes' and I break both arms."
"Well I won't be able to feel it anyway, Zu—"
"Say it and I will stop cuddling you."
And so Broker fell silent. Finally. To Zuka's relief.

Word Count: 1077
I made it my goal to say stupid and rat as many times as conveniently possible without being overly repetitive
Enjoy your food

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