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Zukaheart request
Literally no idea how to start this but- here we go

Zuka had had a tiring day. Broker had been after him yapping on and on and on about the stupidest jobs ever. But Zuka couldn't tell him to shut up otherwise he'd probably lose his most convenient source of making money. Because carpooling Phighters to-and-fro between Phights wasn't the best pay. And although his shop did get customers, it didn't get so many as to give him a pay that was supportive to him. Especially because Rocket still lived with him. Although he didn't mind it too much.
Heaving a sigh, he walks through Crossroads to the bridge leading to Blackrock, Broker had said that his pay would be there, hidden under a bucket or something. Zuka had no idea how a bucket could be under a bridge, because wouldn't there only be water? Yet when he looked from the side, he saw two things, one, a platform, which, okay, that was normal, sure. The second was a deity. Which he did a double-take on. The only reason he recognized the god was because during a so called 'Phrenzy' this very same deity had sat on top of his truck throughout the whole thing. Darkheart. The thing was, Zuka had next to no idea of how to get down to where A; the BUX was, and B; Darkheart was fishing.
The ex-Blackrockian hesitates before calling out.
"Hey, Darkheart-"
The deity looks up from whatever he was doing, Zuka couldn't see because of the PHUCKING SUN. (Grrr we hate the sun ]:<)
"Ah, hello"
Zuka jumps as he finds himself now on the platform where Darkheart was still sitting. "What the Inpherno— how-?"
Darkheart just grins, the runes on his arm swirling. "What? you obviously couldn't get to us"
"I- thank you?"
"Your welcome~" (I'm putting phucking squiggles, fight me I'm sleep deprived)
Zuka stares for a moment, trying to make out the god's eyes yet failing. "This'll sound really weird, but can I look under that bucket?-"
"Oh, the BUX under it?"
"How do you know these things"
"We fish here, we're the ones who leaves the bucket here"
"Ah- that makes sense now"
Darkheart grins again and then produces BUX from gods know where and hands it to him. "Here ya' go"
Zuka stares at him for about the 10th time, taking the money and shoving it into his pocket. "Can you just- summon anything?"
"So- like a fish-"
Darkheart grins a fish materializing out of nowhere and flopping in front of Zuka. "Tada~"
"If you can summon fish why do you fish in the first place?"
"To pass the time, we rarely even eat them. No need to"
"That's fair" Zuka replies, leaning against the wall.
"Fish with us"
"Look me in my eyes—"
Darkheart turns his head. "Mhm?"
"Now look at my arms"
"Oh—" Darkheart was clearly stifling a laugh "sorry 'bout that— you cant really hold the rod can you-"
"No, no I can't"
"Ah— one moment-" Darkheart turns and Zuka could clearly see the deity's shoulders shaking with laughter.
"Are you laughing at my injury"
"N-no of course not, we would never—"
Zuka rolls his eyes, huffing. Then yelps slightly as a clawed hand curls around his wrist, tugging him down to sit next to Darkheart. The deity was deathly strong, which made sense- but jeez, even when he was younger and training in the army Zuka wasn't that strong. "Are you trying to rip my other arm off?"
"Please, we know our own strength"
"Clearly you don't" Zuka winces as the tips of Darkheart's claws sink into his wrist. "Ow—"
"You deserved that"
"I- fine..." Zuka feels the pressure from the claws lessen as Darkheart proceeds to pull him closer. "What are you do—"
Zuka for some reason falls silent. Probably his instincts forcing him to listen to a god.
Darkheart just resumes in his fishing, resting his head against Zuka's shoulder. Honestly he wasn't sure how to feel about the contact, but when he thought about it for a bit, he decided that maybe a little bit of contact with Darkheart wasn't so bad. (I'm aware Dark's hat prob means he can't rest his head on Zukas shoulder but phuck it. He can.)
"How long have you been down here fishing?"
"Mm, a couple hours, give or take."
"Is it solely out of boredom?"
"Nah, it's became a hobby for us at this point"
Zuka nods. "Can I ask something?"
"Ask away"
"Why do you always say 'we' instead of 'I'?"
Darkheart just grins, revealing unsettlingly sharp fangs. "We are two but speak with a single voice~"
Zuka stares blankly, trying to decipher whatever cryptic bullshit Darkheart had just said.
Darkheart snickers. Tracing a claw up Zuka's arm, causing the former Blackrockian to first shiver then blush heavily. "W-what the Inpherno did you do that for—?"
"You zoned out~ we were just fixing the problem~"
"I— o-oh-"
"You fluster easily for an ex-soldier~"
"Shut up"
"You enjoy our voice"
"Please shut up"
"Alright, alright, we'll spare you~"
"Thank you-" Zuka huffs, trying to focus on the wind around them instead of the heat in his cheeks.
"You didn't deny it~" Darkheart purrs out.
Zuka subsides into muttered threats, turning his head away from Darkheart, who had just resumed in his fishing.
The silence gave Zuka time to shove all his unwanted emotions and thoughts to the back of his mind.
"...you actually aren't the worst company I've had" Zuka says after a moment. His shoulder warm where Darkheart's cheek was still pillowed.
"We're flattered. But, entertain us, who's the worst?"
"Broker, definitely. Actually- no, probably Ban Hammer"
"Yeah, Windforce didn't seem to succeed in parenting too well. Her son lacks severe manners"
Zuka stares at Darkheart for a moment. Half expecting for the deity to get smited or atleast pushed into the water by strong winds. No demon could say those sort of things about Windforce, her son, or even most of the other deities without getting some sort of harm brought to them.
"What's with that look?"
"Your allowed to insult Windforce-?"
"Yes? The most that'll happen is she'll throw a small tantrum. Firebrand keeps her in check most the time"
"I have literally watched demons get struck by lightning after insulting Windforce-"
"Yes, those are her small tantrums"
Darkheart just laughs, not bothering to respond.
Zuka checks his phone, flinching when he sees the time. "Shit-"
"It's getting late, I should probably get back to my place now—"
Darkheart nods, placing his fishing rod next to the bucket and standing up, extending a hand to help Zuka up.
"Thanks— think you could get me back up t—" Zuka found himself already back on the Blackrock bridge with Darkheart standing next to him. "—to Crossroads-..." He finishes, (I almost wrote phinishes. God what is wrong with me) letting his words trail off.
Darkheart grins, his wing flicking out behind him. "Anytime" Then leans in near Zuka's neck, "Come visit again soon~"
Zuka once again feels his face flush at the warmth of Darkheart's breath and proximity. His brain practically short circuiting at the sensation. "I-I'll do my best—" He mumbles, giving Darkheart a quick wave before walking off.

Word Count: 1227
RAAAAAAA ITS DONE! Once again, sorry I haven't written in literally forever.
I actually enjoyed writing this! :D
Next is Valkbox and then the dreaded Hyperlaser angst. I'm not giving you guys any hints to what the angst will involve. Suffer.


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