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Rocket board req that idk what to call
I'm sure I'll think of it tho- maybe

Rocket mentally winces as the words 'DEFEAT' flare in front of him as the Phighting round comes to an end. He hadn't done too well this time. 9 deaths. Certainly one of his worse matches. Although, the comments from Ban Hammer and the Biograft on the other team hadn't helped his moral much either.
Another reason he was disappointed though is that the map the match had chosen to be held in was Rocket Arena. Coincidentally his favourite map.
He lets go of his gear, letting it disappear as himself and the other Phighters are transported —by whatever sort of technology Dom and Valk had access to— back to the 'lobby'.
Unfortunately, Sword wasn't at this match to comfort him, something about his master wanting him to fight Windforce. (Since their friends ima just say that Sword hasn't told Rocket that his master/father is Venomshank)
He flinches as he hears Ban Hammer once again talking about how bad Rocket had done.
Rocket wasn't quite sure why most of the other Phighters were so mean. It hurt a lot, actually.
Done with Phights for the day, he starts to walk back to Crossroads, Zuka being unable to transport Phighters that day because of some deal he had been taken, given by Broker. Rocket didn't like Broker. Besides, he wasn't in the mood to go back to Crossroads right off the bat, he'd rather take the long walk. It wasn't even all that far anyways.
After about, what, 5 minutes? 6? He honestly wasn't keeping track, he heard the familiar noise of a skateboard, or, technically, Skateboard.
The red horned demon hits some random trick before just jumping off to land beside Rocket, startling him despite the fact he had heard the Phighter coming.
"Ya' did good out there" Skateboard says, slowing down his walk to match Rocket's pace.
"You're lying. I did horrible." Rocket huffs, turning away slightly. Why was Skateboard even talking to him in the first place? Normally he'd just boast about cool tricks he could do or had learned.
"Nah, ya' did good. Ya' hit your Phinisher 'bout every time ya' used it"
Rocket blinks. "I actually hit you?-"
"Yeah. Was' annoyin' at the time. But hey, your aims pretty good"
Despite his original bitterness, Rocket finds himself starting to smile. "I still got last though"
"That doesn't mean much. 'Sides, ya' got targeted"
"—I did?-"
"Mhm. Pretty hard t' not hear that warden. I was practicin' when he said somethin' along th' lines of targetin' ya'."
Yet another thought comes to him and he speaks up again, looking at Skateboard again. "Still! I can do better- I have to-"
"Why's that?"
"Because of my dad's reputation! He was legendary in Phights! I don't want to ruin his image.."
"Seriously?-" Skateboard's tone sounded almost annoyed, or maybe just surprised. "Ya' don't have to push yourself like that. Stresses ya' out too much. Just focus on what's happenin' and react accordingly"
Rocket opens his mouth to respond but closes it. Thinking over what Skateboard had said. "...that- still—"He cuts himself off, relief forming in the back of his mind. "Thank you-"
"No problem" Skate hums.
The two walk for a bit, Crossroads finally coming into sight.
"This might sound a bit weird, but are ya' busy or anythin'?"
Rocket blinks. "As in today?"
"I don't know, dad's probably gonna be busy so I guess I'm free?"
"Nice, wanna drop by Sling's café n' grab somethin'?"
"Rad" Skateboard grins, then takes the lead, the pair now heading towards Slingshot's café.
"If ya' want, we can head back ta' my place afterwards. I got nuthin' to do anyways."
Skateboard shrugs. "Might as well invite someone over."
"Well- okay then-"
(Time skip. Subspace UGC is epic. I need it.)
Skateboard walks into the café without hesitation, Rocket following a moment after. While Skateboard went to go order- having insisted on buying Rocket the donut he wanted- Rocket went over to one of the many cats in the café. Ending up surrounded by them, most just purring, others pawing at his prosthetics, curious, probably.
Eventually Skateboard comes back from the counter, raising an eyebrow as he saw Rocket.
"Looks like you're popular" He jokes, handing Rocket his donut.
"I swear I have no idea why. I've seen a cat like twice in my life." Rocket responds, lifting his treat up and out of reach of the many, many cats.
"Dang. It's funny, I come here often and they still like ya' more than they like me"
"It's probably the prosthetics, their shiny" He offers, giving each cat one last pet before standing up and following Skateboard back out of the café. "Is your house far?" Rocket asks after a moment.
"Nah, it's pretty close" The other the demon replies. Through a mouthful of pastry. Rocket cringed at that but said nothing.

To no one's surprise, Skateboard's house was...chaotic yet tidy. There were several posters of skateboard pictures, of various models. Although there was really a concerning amount. Oh. And the fact that the colour scheme seemed meant to violate any sane demon's eyes. Yet it somehow worked. The furniture being a mix of reds, oranges and, thankfully, a bit of gray. Which was the only not-neon colour.
The two talk while they finish off their pastries, Rocket, being cuddly as Inpherno, practically glues himself to Skateboard's side, one arm around the skater's side with the other holding his precious donut. Head resting on the others shoulder.
Skateboard, despite his cheeks flushing slightly, didnt really mind it. It was comfortable. And the smaller Phighter was warm. And he was cold. So it was a win-win situation in his eyes. Rocket got cuddles, and he got warmth. It worked out.
He also had a feeling this would be reoccurring. Because, to Rocket, he had formed a connection with Skateboard. One that he was immensely happy with.
He just wasn't sure how his dad would react.

Word Count: 1021
I'm not changing this chapters name, I still have no idea what to call it.

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