How do you burn water?!

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an actual Subshot request, not a joke like 'kitty kat'
Also sling with he/she pronouns and it's my first time writing that sorta stuff so let me know how I did- because I don't understand it at all in the terms of writing.
Also fight me on the Subspace POV, I love him too much. Sling pov can suck it *sorry cax :3


Subspace was mind-numbingly bored.
He had just finished attempting to fix one of his smaller Biografts and it had taken a stupid amount of time because he misplaced the microscopic size screwdriver and then had to find it.
But now that it was fixed, he had nothing to do. Somehow.
So, after some very *not* deep thinking, he decides to just text Slingshot the letter 'x' over and over.
Eventually, he gets a reply, much to his delight.

Bae<3 is typing... (phucking cringed at the contact name I chose, why am I like this)
'Subspace. By the Swords, why have you sent me 60+ texts—'
'Actually, it's 62'
'Why are you like this'

Subspace, completely ignoring Slingshot's question (because he—) and instead typing out a question of his own.

'Your on break, right?'
'Have you memorized my café schedule or something—?'
'Wait what—'
'Anyways! Can I come over and help you?'
'Are you in Crossroads or something?'
'Nope! Im at my lab'
'It would take you like half an hour to get her by walking'
'I'll see you in 10!'

Subspace sets his phone down, shrugging off his lab coat which he was mainly just wearing so none of the higher ups could reprimand him for 'not having an example appearance'.
He gathers his canister of crystals, sliding it to the back of his harness with a 'chink' noise.
He steps out of his personal lab, his tail wagging behind him, just as he was about to leave Blackrock's laboratory facility itself, some random intern runs into him, causing him to lose balance and crash down to the floor.
He quickly stands back up glaring at the demon who was also on the floor.
"Watch where you're walking!" He snaps, pink mist unconsciously filtering out of his mask.
The intern, who barely looked 12, opens their mouth to reply, only managing out a quiet: "s-sorry—" Before they try catching their breath, unintentionally inhaling the mist, their eyes widening.
Subspace watches for a moment before scoffing and flexing his claws, striding off, as well as finding and overriding a Biograft's system to clean up the now-dead intern who was probably frothing at the mouth from the poison. He didn't care, he wouldn't get punished. Instead he focuses on actually getting out of the damn facility, which included scanning his ID card a stupid amount of times, I mean, come on! He was probably the ONLY scientists in Blackrock with bright pink horns, a crystal between them, and a gas mask, no way on Inpherno would someone be able to impersonate him, as funny as it would be to see someone try.
Finally, he gets past all the security 'checkpoints'. Once outside in the cold that barely even hurt him compared to his day to day pain.
Subspace takes a couple steps before changing his form into mist— the whole reason he had brought his mine-canister with him.
(Time skip. There hasn't been any subshot and this IS a subshot request, anyways, Sub is now at the café)
Subspace hesitates for just a moment as he approaches the café- no longer mist. He didn't like people, specifically Playgrounders, but also his ego wouldn't let him not go in and help Slingshot because surely baking was easy.
So he steps inside, the cat-themed building, slightly startled as he saw actual cats.
Despite the fact it was a cat cafe, Subspace did not expect to see actual healthy and well-nourished, living, breathing, furry rat creatures. (Because he's Subspace. ITS A JOKE NOW.) They looked a lot more alive than most the scrawny animals in Blackrock, although he knew that anything from Blackrock was superior (and oh my god it's at 700 words where's the phucking subshot)
He promptly walks over to Vinestaff who looked like she was waiting tables but he couldn't care less.
"Where's Sling'?"
The pink horned demon looks at him. "In the back—?"
Subspace nods, walking behind the counter and stepping into the back room.
"Iiiim heeeeere!~" He says in a sing-song voice, not even phased at seeing his love in a maid dress, he'd seen it before, including in pictures. (Normal pictures.)
Slingshot turns, smiling slightly albeit slightly confused at how Subspace had arrived within exactly 10 minutes.
"Hi!" She chirps out.
"Told ya' I'd arrive in 10 minutes!!"
"How though?"
Subspace grins beneath his mask. "Simple!" He holds up his non-fucked up hand, letting it shift into the oh-so familiar vapor before back to a normal hand.
Slingshot stares at him with a mix of bewilderment and fascination on her face. "Can you just do that at will?-"
"Neat" Slingshot responds, briefly tugging down the hem of his skirt. "Anyways you said you wanted to help, right?-"
"Yep!" Subspace says brightly.
"Have you ever baked before?-"
Slingshot is silent for a moment, processing the information. "Guess I'll teach you then-?"
Subspace barely acknowledges the words. "I mean, it's just putting some ingredients together mixing them and cooking them, right?"
"It's more compli—"
"Surely it's easier than inventing, I'm sure it'll be a breeze!" Subspace chirps.
"It's way more complicated than that"
"I doubt it!"
Slingshot sighs, probably knowing better than to argue with the scientist. "Alright, I'm sure Shuri' and Vine' will handle the actual orders while I show you the basics." She walks over to a counter and retrieves a bowl, then other ingredients such as eggs, milk, flour, sugar. Subspace just watching the whole time.
"Alright, here's what you have to do" Slingshot starts, loosely tugging Subspace closer to properly show him what to do.
(Silly baking time skip, Slingshot decided to let Sub' try making something on his own and he had then been busy for like 10 minutes)
"Uhm— Sling'?"
"Yeah?" Slingshot glances over her shoulder, still not stopping in mixing the dough which would be ready to be kneaded soon.
"Is the water supposed to look all brown and icky?"
Slingshot takes a moment to process this. "Did you spill sugar in it or something—?"
"No? I was just boiling it."
Slingshot pauses in his baking, trotting (SAUNTERING) over to where Subspace was. And, indeed, the water was black and somehow charred looking.
"The phuck—?"
"Did I mess up?"
"You—...burnt it-" Slingshot says slowly, still staring in confusion.
"Why do you look as if I just walked on air?"
"Water- can't be burnt"
"Well, obviously it can"
"Water evaporates- your a scientists how do you not know this-"
"I'm too tired to think lab things right now" Subspace huffs.
Slingshot sighs. "You manage some pretty weird things"
"Like me getting you to like me?"
Slingshot laughs, leaning over and pressing a kiss to Subspace's masked cheek, the scientist flushing slightly.
"Yeah, like that"

Word count: 1208
Sorry, would of made this longer but I need sleep T^T
Not much subshot content, sorry cax

Phighting stuff, idk, lolWhere stories live. Discover now