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This is Skateshot, i have like 11 other ideas bro. i need requests otherwise my brain wont stop thinking of shit, guys please give me req's to write i need them to stop my own ideas .-.

(also writing this on computer bc why not. HOW DO YOU USE BOLD AND ITALICS HEELLPPPPPPPP) test test test. I FOUND IT


Slingshot woke up at 6am sharp as always. Despite it being his day off at his cafe, Vinestaff refused to let anyone sleep in, so they could all get their daily dose of sunshine. it was annoying at times, but both him and Shuriken were used to it by now. His tail swished as he slid out of bed and got dressed, doing his best to ignore the maid dress in his closet, it was for the cafe. Yet it still felt weird.

He thinks on what he wanted to do today, sure he could go to a Phight or two but it was early in the morning and he would rather go to one when other Phighter's would be there, not just himself, Shuriken, possibly Vinestaff after she finished tending to her plants, and a handful of Biograft's. He hated those things. Mainly because they were probably the one 'Phighter' that could successfully hunt him down.

With a huff, he retrieves his phone from his nightstand and checks his messages- why had Skateboard sent him 5 messages 2 hours ago?? why was he even awake?????

Blinking as he realized that Skateboard must of woken up at 4am. He opens the messages and texts back.

'dude, why were you even awake??'

Sk83r is typing...

'I was awake because i set my alarm a bit too early'

'a BIT?'

'okay, fine, maybe alot too early'

'why arent you sleeping or something?'

'cuz' im built different'

'i am actually going to kill you'

'you wont, you love me'

Slingshot sighs, setting his phone down.

Then he had an idea.

picking up his phone, he texted Skateboard again.



'I have a question'

'I'm tryna' sleep, sling'

'don't care, you should've slept before you texted me'

'fine, whats your question?'

'wanna come to my place and bake something?'

'Sling, i have no baking skills whatsoever'

'cmon, it'll be fun!'

'fine, when do ya want me to come  over?'

'soon as possible'


With a content purr, Slingshot sets down his phone and pads out of his room, gathering the necessary ingredients for baking such as flour. Because literally every recipe he could think of off the top of his head required flour.


A knock at the door caused Slingshot's head to snap up from the extremely, utterly boring book he had been attempting to read.

Springing into the air (haha slingshot go brrr) he darts over to the door, landing before opening it. He recognised the familiar side-curved horns of his boyfriend.

"You could of been faster" Slingshot teases, tugging Skateboard inside (inisde) the house.

Skateboard promptly rolls his eyes. "Im still faster than ya', Sling" (SORRY ABOUT PUNCTUATION I JUST CANT) Slingshot just grins. "Shush. Anyways, any idea what you wanna bake?"
Skateboard tilts his head for a moment, considering. "A cake"
Slingshot nods, mentally running through the list of ingredients that a cake requires. "Sure! What kind?"
Skateboard stares blankly at Slingshot. "Cake."
"No, like, what kind of cake—"
"There's different types of cake?"
"Well, yeah, like sponge cake or cheesecake— but I meant flavour. As in chocolate or something-"
"Ohhh. Vanilla."
"That is literally the basic cake"
"Then let's make a basic cake."
"Skate you are one of the most origi—"
"Would you rather I of chosen something dumb like black liquorice?"
"Basic cake is fine—"
Skateboard nods, satisfied.
Slingshot decided to zone out. Because yes.
Slingshot finally zones back in as Skateboard hits him on the back of the head. "Ow—"
"I called your name 4 times, idiot"
"Ah— whoops" Slingshot grins again before grabbing Skateboard's hand and dragging him into the kitchen. "Mind helping me get the ingredients we need?"
"Sure!" Skateboard responds happily.
(Don't mind me, searching up a step by step how to make a fucking cake and if anyone asks, yes, I did actual,y type into my search bar 'how to make a fucking cake' lol)
"Mkay, flour, baking powder, salt, butter, milk, vanilla extract and vegetable oil" Slingshot calls over his shoulder to where Skateboard was waiting. As he spoke, he walked over to the cupboard to grab the other items he needed to measure the ingredients.
"Sling, where's the butter?"
Slingshot turned to look at Skateboard. "Do you actually not know—"
"If I knew I wouldn't be askin' ya'."
"It's in the freezer, bottom left"
(I just woke up and I'm making a literal conversation about BUTTER....exotic butters—)
While Skateboard rummaged around in the freezer for butter, Slingshot preheated the oven and yoinked a pan from the cupboard.
"What kind of butter—"
"What do you mean what kind of butter-"
"There's salted and unsalted"
"Uh- unsalted"
"Why not salted"
"Because it's a cake. It's supposed to be sweet."
"Yeah but I like salted butter"
"We are going to use unsalted butter."
"Alright, alright, Fine."
Finally, Skateboard had found the correct type of butter and placed it where all the other ingredients were lined up on the counter.
"Alright, do you see the big bowl?"
"Pour the flour, baking powder and salt in it."
"Skate I swear to the gods—"
Skateboard rolls his eyes but does as told. "Next?"
"Crack the eggs into the mixer's bowl and put it on high" Slingshot responds, retrieving sugar, measuring it out, and pouring it into the mixing bowl once the mixer had ran for a bit.
While the mixer did its thing, Slingshot measured out all the other ingredients that hadn't been measured and added.
"Skate, can you melt the butter?"
Skateboard nods, taking the butter from Slingshot and tossing (not actually) it into the microwave.
After the egg and sugar were finally starting to blend into the texture Slingshot wanted, he gradually added more flour.
Then the milk, vanilla and oil went in.
More mixing.
After a bit, the batter was finally to Slingshot's liking.
"Perfect!" He chirps, turning the mixer off.
Skateboard just looks at him. "It looked the same as it did a minute ago-"
"No, a minute ago there were still bits of sugar"
"Can I put it in the oven?"
"Mhm!" Slingshot poured the batter into the cake pan and handed said pan to Skateboard, who walks over to the oven and somehow manages to open the door, sliding the cake inside.
"How long does it hafta' bake for?"
"Eh, half an hour give or take" Slingshot responds, starting to put the ingredients away.
Skateboard, wanting to be helpful, attempts to put the flour back onto the very high shelf.
Slingshot shuts the freezer door, having just put the butter back, when he heard a crash followed by a slightly more muffled crash. "Skate—?"
Slingshot looks over his shoulder to see Skateboard sprawled on the floor, his helmet and face now dusted in floor with the partially opened bag of flour on the floor beside him.
Slingshot laughs, earning a glare from Skateboard. "Mind helpin' me up?—"
"Ah, yeah, sure, sorry" Slingshot stifles his laughter, helping Skateboard stand and then kneeling down to clean up the flour, aswell as putting the bag back.
Skateboard was now brushing the flour off of his clothes. "I think I gotta' take a shower"
"Yeah, I'm not letting you in my room covered in flour"
"I like my bedding flour-free thank you very much"
Skateboard just rolls his eyes with a grin. "Shower with me"
"You heard me."

Word Count: 1299
And so, Skate and Sling probably fuck in the shower and then eat cake

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