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As requested about 12 billion times by my friend. I bring you Subkit. (Past versions, they're still lab partners) my friend actually requested this as a joke yet I'm still writing it bc I'm bored.

+3rd person+
"What the phuck is it"
Subspace grinned at Medkit's annoyed response. He stands up from his desk and prances (lol) across the room to where Medkit was, working on a miniature robot model. The red horned demon promptly wraps his arms around the green horned demon, earning an annoyed grumble.
"Your work looks boring!"
"It is the exact same as what you're doing, Sub'."
"I know but mine has chainsaws in its designs!"
"That doesn't seem very sa—"
"Shush! It's safe! Their chainsaws, what's the worst they can do?"
Medkit turns around to stare at Subspace.
"Please tell me I heard you incorrectly"
Subspace just laughs, tapping Medkit's nose before returning to his desk, Medkit now blushing but muttering half-meant threats about his lab partner.

Both demons worked in the Robotics sector of Blackrocks lab's. That was how they'd met.
Occasionally the two would disagree, mainly because Subspace insisted on offense while Medkit was all for healing and defense.
They balanced eachother out.
Subspace's chaotic energy and Medkit's attentive calm.
Both had crushes on eachother, with Subspace showing it in affection or random comments.
Medkit was a bit more secluded, although he blushed easily.

(Small time skip)

Subspace walks into the room, practically bouncing on his heels, Medkit looks up from his work, his glasses off for once.
"What's gotten you all worked up?"
"The higher ups want us to look into some crystals!! Just us!! No one else! Completely new research!" Subspace chirps, his tail wagging excitedly.
Medkit raises an eyebrow. "Crystals? That's not robotics."
"So?? It's new!" Subspace huffs, grabbing onto Medkit's hand and pulling him away from his desk.
"Subspace—" The green horned demon gets cut off as Subspace gives him a kiss on the cheek out of the blue. He had never done that before. "Wh—"
Subspace just grins, delighted at Medkit's reaction. "Cmon! The crystals are just outside!" With that, he darts out of the room, dragging a flustered Medkit with him.
A moment later the two had brought the boxes of crystals inside, Subspace tearing open the boxes with a chainsaw. Because he's Subspace.
"I want the pink ones!!!" He exclaims, trying to reach in and grab one when Medkit grabs his wrist.
"don't touch them. We don't know what properties they might have."
Subspace groans in annoyance but retrieves gloves, putting them on before picking up a crystal and setting it on the desk. "Look how pretty it is!!"
"It's a crystal."
"Yeah! And it's pink!!"
"...it's pink!!"
"I don't understand why you like the colour pink so much—"
"They're better than your cyan ones!"
"Excuse me, cyan is a very dignified colour—"
"Pink is better!"
"What shade"
Subspace points to the crystal.
"That is a horrible shade."
"No it's not!!"
"Yes it is."
Subspace huffs, lightly swatting at Medkit's horns before sitting at his desk and grabbing the necessary equipment to run tests in the crystals.

The two soon learned the properties of the crystals, Subspace was highly intrigued by his crystals' poison while Medkit was already absorbed in his own little world.

(Time skip a few weeks. Subspace's horns are pink now, the same shade as his crystals)

Subspace bursts into the lab announcing his arrival to Medkit, who was half asleep at his desk, still working, testing and writing.
"Oh come on, Meddy. Have you even taken a break?" Subspace walks over to Medkit, resting his chin on the demons head.
"Occasionally. This is important though."
Subspace huffs. "I'm important, you're important, your crystals, are way less important."
"We have work quotas to meet, Subspace." Medkit responds.
"Yeah! In like a month! Take a break! You have bags under your eyes!!"
Medkit blinks, caught off guard. Surely he hadn't been working that long. "I do-?"
Subspace rolls his eyes. "Yes! How much coffee have you even had to stay awake?"
"7 cups, roughly"
Subspace is silent for a moment.
"Get some rest."
"I'm fine"
"Just do it!"
Subspace sighs before yanking Medkit off his chair. Both ending up on the floor.
"Did you seriously have to do that?" Medkit grumbles, sitting up.
"Yep!" Subspace chirps, laying himself ontop of Medkit, ignoring his protests.
"Cuz' you'll just go back to working!"
"I hate you..."
Subspace grins, pressing a light kiss to Medkit's lips. "Love ya' too!"
Medkit was silent now, his face heating up.
Subspace blinks, suddenly staring at Medkit's horns.
"What is it?"
"Their cyan."
"They've changed colour. Like mine!!"
Medkit reaches a hand up to feel his horns, as if he could feel the colour change. "Odd. I thought mine wouldn't do that."
"Well, they're very pretty" Subspace comments, watching as blush dusted Medkit's cheeks again.
"...thank you.."
"Mhm!" Subspace responds, burying his face into Medkit's chest. Refusing to get off.

And so the two sat there. Cuddling.

Word count:  862
You can tell I don't like Subkit because there isn't 1000 words, lol.
Thing is I still have to write more .-.

Phighting stuff, idk, lolWhere stories live. Discover now