Unusual Encounter

408 13 11

STARFOLLOWER!!!!  No idea what to call this chapter so uh- yeah.

+Stargazer Rocket+

Rocket had just finished a Phighting match, he sighs softly, tilting his head back to look at the sky. The stars were out, he hadn't realized he'd been phighting for that long. He didn't mind though. His gear dissapears into thin air as he lets go of it, reaching up with his free hand to fix the mask he wore. He doesn't pay much attention to the Phighters chatting or also preparing to leave, instead heading to one if his favourite spots, a hill surrounded by a ring of trees and a clear view of the sky.
Once at said hill, he rests against an oak tree, gazing up at the softly glowing stars above him. It was peaceful. A great way to wind-down. (I just realized wind (win-d) and wind (wine-d) are spelt the same way)
After around 10 minutes, from the corner of his eye, he notices a flicker of movement. He looks at one of the trees, his gaze completely passing over the figure now perched on one of the plants higher branches.
Quite awhile passes, with Rocket growing more uneasy as the feeling of being watched grows, finally he looks up and behind him, yelping as he saw dead white eyes staring down at him.
"Greetings." The figures tone was perfectly emotionless. It unnerved him.
"Uh— who- are you?"
"Sword. A Follower of our powerful deity, Illumina."
"Interesting-... I'm Rocket—"
Sword just nods. Rocket shifts uneasily, that stare was unnerving.
"So!— are you here to also stargaze—?"
"I have no true interest in stars."
"Ah— so you're just wandering?"
"Your mask is pretty, is it handcrafted?"
Rocket internally sighs as his question went unanswered. "It is. Why don't you come down here? You're not scared, are you?"
In one swift movement, Sword drops down from the branch, his wings flapping once as he landed before folding back in. "I have no reason to be scared."
Rocket nods, noticing the fact that Sword was taller than him. That, combined with the stare, practically made Sword one of the most intimidating people he had met. "Noted— so- why are you here?"
"I am simply exploring."
Rocket nods again, he wasn't sure how to proceed with the conversation. "So, you said you're a Follower, right?"
"Did you have wings before you became one?"
"No. It was a gift for becoming a Follower."
"What, did you grow them or something?"
Rocket blinks. "Wait what-"
"My spine grew two offshoots of bone that then turned into the frame for my wings"
"That sounds painful—"
"It was worth it."
"Was there blood-?"
"Most of the process of becoming a Follower is fuzzy for me."
"What about your past?" Rocket enquires, a bit of his original fear subsiding into curiosity.
"Those memories were deemed unimportant by Illumina therefore I no longer have them."
Rocket stares at Sword. "So Illumina brainwashed you-"
"I willingly became one of his Followers, therefore I accepted all perks and consequences."
"Yes but how can you be loyal to someone who just removed your memories of who you were as a demon?"
In a smooth movement, Sword had drawn his gear, holding it at his side. "Do not question my loyalty."
Rocket stares at the blade, eyes widening beneath his mask. He chose not to take the risk of getting impaled. "Understood— can you not stab me? Please?"
Sword makes no move to sheathe his gear, his wings flicking back as he continued to stare down Rocket.
(Time skip, I was out of ideas for the conversation. Rocket has now befriended Sword)

Rocket once again wandered into the forest, waiting for Sword. There were times where the other didn't show up, those were the days- or- nights— where Rocket just assumed he was off doing things for Illumina.
Rocket wasn't sure how to feel about the fact that Sword was a Follower. For one, there were some things he had heard about Illumina that made him dislike the deity. But whenever he did try and talk Sword about rethinking his loyalty, he would either get a sword pointed at him, or Sword would get defensive. So Rocket had learned just to not bring the subject up. At all.
He heard the near-silent flap of wings and tilts his head up to watch Sword drop down, his wings folding in once he had landed.
Rocket still hadn't convinced Sword to let him feel his wings- they looked soft so Rocket wanted to touch them. It was perfectly reasonable. Just- apparently not to Sword.
"Hi!" Rocket chirps, his confidence unwavering under Sword's usually unnerving stare.
"You showed up for once! That's great! What were ya' busy with last time?"
"Our deity requested I kill someone's troubling him"
"O-oh—..." Rocket stares at Sword beneath his mask, not quite sure how to reply to the answer he had asked for. "Uhm-... cool?-" He paused for a moment, thinking of a way to switch the topic. Naturally, he turned to his favourite topic. "Want to stargaze with me?"
"I have said this before, I do not have any interest nor like stargazing"
Rocket huffs, fixing his mask as it jostled when he sat down on the surprisingly soft ground. "I know, but I'm sure you've never tried it before, besides, you have me as company!"
Sword continued staring for a moment before nodding. "Very well."
Rocket quite literally squeals with happiness, grinning his head off and grabbing Sword's hand, tugging him down to sit beside him. "Yay! Thank you! I'm sure you won't regret it!"
"...I'm sure I will"
"I heard that!-"
Sword just rolls his eyes. Fluffing his wings out as he got comfortable.
Rocket being naturally cuddly, a gremlin, and generally chaotic, combines these three traits and snatches the opportunity to cuddle against Sword, practically using him as a pillow.
Sword chooses not to protest. Surprising himself when he realized he didn't want to. He was never one for physical affection, nor did he have time for it.
Rocket, with his head resting in the crook of Sword's neck, yaps on and on about the different constellations and pointing them out, not even registering that Sword was actually listening to him, genuinely taking interest.

And so the night goes on, the two cuddling while Rocket introduces stargazing to Sword.

Word Count: 1070
Shorter then I would of liked, but I haven't written for a week so I think I'm a bit rusty, I have 4 other drafts that have yet to be written, one of them being angst that I hope makes you guys cry [:<

Phighting stuff, idk, lolWhere stories live. Discover now