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RAINFIN !!!1!1!1 I've gotten into this ship.
Shurifin x Rainbox
LETS GET INTO IT IM ACTUALLY EXCITED (how am I gonna make this 1000 words bro)
Also just for simplicity, ignore the fact that Boombox, Vinestaff and Shuriken exist. This'll be the fish siblings (Shurifin, Vinesplash) and da puddle jumper (Rainbox)

It was raining out, not that Rainbox minded, although the water was coming down pretty hard. He heard the distant crack of thunder but ignored it. As long as he made it home before the storm reached him, he'd be fine. His boots sank into the wet sand of the beach as he walked along it. It was calming here, atleast, when the God's weren't trying to drown everything. Actually, the storm probably was Windforce's doing. The deity was known for her short temper. Or it could just be a normal storm.
Not related to a god having a tantrum. But you never knew.
Rainbox stopped dead as he saw a figure not to far ahead. It was a fish? No, it had legs- okay— fish demon. Sure. That was normal.
Was he hallucinating or something?
Rainbox stares at the figure a moment longer.
It was definitely a demon.
But also a fish.
They had gills on their sides, no shirt on, fins sprouting from between their shoulder and elbow, fins coming from their cheeks, along with cyan dots near their eyes, which Rainbox assumed were scales. Oh- and a fishtail (that's one word?)
He did notice something off, though.
There were abrupt streaks of red all along their body.
"Hey, you okay?" Rainbox called out, approaching the figure.
The person whips around. Rainbox notices their wrist flick back and something appeared in their hand.a starfish. Except it looked sharp. (ITS 2AM I NEED SLEEP IM SO FRICKING TIRED BRO. BUT ILL FINISH THIS FOR Y'ALL BC IM STUBBORN AND I LOVE YOU GUYS)
Rainbox's visor flickers to show 'o o', surprise. He puts his hands up non-threateningly. "Woah, relax, I won't hurt you."
The demons wrist moves back farther. Two starfish. Farther. Three.
Rainbox hesitates. He could put up his shield, but his gear was strapped to his back (cannon) and it would take awhile to get. Also he would rather not hurt this person.
Turns out he didn't have to.
The demon suddenly collapses, the starfish in their hand clattering to the ground before disappearing.
Rainbox (Ranbox, lmao.) immediately sprint-walks over, crouching beside them. They had long gashes, the worst being on their back where it was bleeding profusely. No wonder they had passed out. Blood loss.
Rainbox sighs. He wasn't a doctor, nor did he know how to properly bandage a wound. Antiseptic? Never heard of it. (I also genuinely forget what antiseptic is, lol)
But he knew he'd have to take care of the fish demon, it was in his nature. Also they looked really pretty— but that wasn't the point. He could fawn over the scales near their eyes later.
Carefully, Rainbox picks them up, being a Phighter, he was rather strong, but it surprised him just how light the demon was, almost as if he had the hollow bones of an avian (bird) instead of normal bones. Then again, to birds, hollow bones would be normal. (WAIT. IMAGINE FOLLOWER SWORD ACTIMG LIKE A BABY BIRD AND ANNOYING ILLUMINA BY PRACTICALLY SCREAMING AT HIM WITH HIS MOUTH OPEN, WANTING FOOD. HAHAHAHAHAH)
Rainbox then set off towards his house.
(Time skip)
Rainbox unlocked the door and stepped inside, shutting it with his foot, he took off his boots which had gotten caked with sand from the dreadful mix of relentless rain and beach sand. (Is it normal to take off your shoes when entering a house? It's never been otherwise for me. Bc then you'd just have to sweep more if you keep your shoes on, right?) He carried the fish demon to his room, setting them on the bed. He then retrieved a cloth soaked in warm water, and bandages. He went back to his room, sitting next to the demon and starting to wipe the sand from their body, whenever he'd reach the parts of the demon that had scales, he'd marvel at their rough texture, the rest of the demon's skin was pleasantly soft, so it was quite the contrast. (Oh yeah, Shurifin has gills and lungs, so he can breathe in land and in water)
Once Rainbox had finished clearing away the sand, he truly got a good look at the cuts covering the demon's body, they were all rather deep and most looked like claw marks.
Rainbox reaches for the bandages, unravelling them and tearing them off as he bandaged the fish demons wounds. Their breathing had slowed some but they were still very much alive. Rainbox hums softly as he 'works' a one point, bandaging a cut that went all the way from the persons elbow to wrist, he noticed that one, they had claws, which some demons had, not all of them, and two, there was teal-tinted, clear webbing between their claws. Rainbox wasn't sure why he was surprised. But hey, it looked cool and was cool. He wondered how graceful the demon would look when swimming. They were charming in general so they must be quite the sight in their natural element.
Soon Rainbox had finished bandaging the wounds, letting the demon rest. He left the room as made himself a bagel. Because bagel.
Occasionally Rainbox would check back in on the demon, and after about an hour, when he walked in again, the demon was awake, sitting on the bed and clawing at one of the bandages on their arm.
"Oh! Your awake. Nice." Rainbox chirps, probably startling the demon, who turned around quickly, a mix of fear and curiosity in their eyes. "My names Rainbox, yours?"
The demon hesitates. "...Shurifin"
"Cool! Mind if I call ya' Shuri?"
Shurifin blinks before nodding, their tail swishing behind them.
"Well, now that you're awake— finally, I might add. —I gotta' change your bandages again, make sure they're fresh, ya' know?"
Shurifin stares at Rainbox for a moment before holding out his arm.
Rainbox flashes him a grin as he undoes the bandage. "Quiet type. Hm?"
No answer, which Rainbox chuckled at.
The moment the bandage was undone, Shurifin pulls his arm away. Rainbox blinks, his hands stopping mid air, holding the bandages. "Uh, I sorta' gotta' put em' on—?"
Shurifin shakes his head, lifting his free arm up and hissing at the cut, then promptly holds out his other arm.
Rainbox unwraps the second bandage. "Ah, forgot to mention. Nice tatt' ya' have there. Who did it for you?"
Shurifin stares at him again. "Me."
Rainbox looks at him. "Damn. Impressive."

After Rainbox had taken off all the bandages, he looked at Shurifin again. "Okay- I really need to bandage those cuts, at the very least, let me get that one on your back, it's pretty nasty"
Shurifin hisses at him, holding his claws close to his chest.
Rainbox sighs, relenting. "Fine. Ya' hungry? I could make you a snack"
Shurifin nods.
"Aight. Stay here, please" Rainbox walks out of the room, preparing a sandwich for Shuri'.
After a bit, Rainbox walks back into the room, staring in pure confusion at Shurifin, Who was on the wall.
Shurifin looks at him before dropping to the floor, throwing some sort of rope grapple, and Reattaching himself to the wall.
Rainbox grins. "Cool, anyways, here's a sandwich" He waits for Shurifin to drop to the ground again before handing him the plate, sitting beside him in the bed.
"Yeah, yknow' like two slices'o' bread with stuff in between, like ham, or lettuce."
Shurifin takes a bite out of the sandwich, Rainbox notices fangs, another trait only some demons had.
"Doesn't taste like sand"
"That's because it's not sand—"
Rainbox watches as Shurifin takes off the top slice of bread and eats it, then completely disassembling the sandwich and eating it that way.
Rainbox laughs. "Man, your weird, I like it" he stands up, grabbing Shurifin's hand.
"Cmon, 'wanna show ya' something"
Rainbox leads Shurifin down the hall and into another bedroom which looked simple aside from freshly added cyan and gold accents, matching the golden rings on Shurifin's horns and his colour scheme in general.
"Prepared a guest room for ya'. You need to stay till' your wounds heal"
Shurifin glances around the room before pouncing onto a cyan cushion, grabbing Rainbox's hand and pulling him into it aswell. For someone who barely weighed anything, Shurifin was actually pretty strong, to Rainbox, at least.
Shurifin proceeds to then wrap his arms around Rainbox and cuddle into the shorter Phighter. Which Rainbox assumed was his way of saying thank you, but God's did it fluster him,

Word count: 1480
I enjoyed writing this<3
Night,ima get some sleep

Phighting stuff, idk, lolWhere stories live. Discover now