Kitty Kat

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This is a joke one but uh- no it's not SubShot.

For once, Subspace was bored. He had just finished designing a new, smaller, Biograft model and had currently ran out of poison test subjects, nor was he in the mood to test his poison on himself.
So he went out into Blackrock to find a child.
Because he's Subspace.
Unfortunately, all the children he did see were either locked up in their houses, or with parents, he couldn't poison a child while people were watching, that would ruin his amazing 5-stars on Yelp reputation. He couldn't have that.
As he walked, he found a pet store. One of the few in Blackrock.
He had never wanted a pet, dogs were too- everywhere. Cats were okay but they'd annoy him with their incessant meowing, birds-? Too flappy. His Biografts' were perfect, therefore he didn't need some animal that he had to take care of and keep alive.
Yet he still walked into the pet store.
Because he's Subspace. (I should make that a running joke. 'Because he's Subspace'.)
The demon at the counter stared at him, probably recognizing him by either his reputation, or the very distinct mask and uniform he wore.
"How may I help you-?" The demon starts, but Subspace ignore her .
Because he's Subspa—
He walked towards the back of the store, eyes, or, eye, landing on a white short hair cat in a kennel. He stared at it. It meowed.
"Hello." He says, still staring.
The cat meow's again.
Another meow.
"I said stop-"
It hisses at him.
He hisses back.
The cat stares at him in confusion.
He still wanted a test subject- maybe this animal would work.
So he picked up the kennel, took it to the counter, and waited for the demon to come back from wherever they'd gone.
Waiting, for him, involved a lot of ringing that tiny bell on the counter. Repeatedly.
Eventually the demon comes back, looking slightly annoyed with him.
"I want to buy this animal."
"It's a cat."
"It's an animal."
"Fine— 70 BUX."
Oddly cheap for Blackrock of all places but he paid the money, waited for the demon to look down and put it into the till. Then produced one of his crystals and slowly slid it onto the floor where it would eventually explode once the cashier went a bit closer.
He liked chaos.
And then he left. Holding the kennel.
(Time skip. That cashier is 100% dead, lol)
He stepped into his lab, setting the kennel down on a table and unlocking it, waiting for the cat to pad out.
"How poison resistant are you?"
"Good enough for me!"
So he removes one of his bigger crystals from his canister and tosses it at the cat.
The poison and mist somehow slid off the cat's pelt like water normally would.
"Get poisoned. right now." He tells the cat.
The cat ignores him and licks a paw.
He glares at the cat.
Fine then, if he couldn't test his poison, then he'd just test on the cat.
So he gathered some things he'd need, including more poison crystals because he was determined to poison the cat. (Guys I'm not gonna kill the cat don't worry)

And he got to work running tests. (help i'm on computer for once and its suddenly making all 'enter' gaps huge .-.)

At some point the cats ears became hard and got the crystallized-shine that all demons' horns were made of. Oh. And turned blue.

Subspace was already thinking of about a million other experiments he could run on both animals and demons. He also retrieved note taking paper from his note taking folder labelled note taking folder so he would know what folder was meant for him to take notes in when he needed to take notes from his note taking folder. And, of course, took notes.

He was a scientist, the greatest scientist, not some poor lowlife sitting in one of Blackrock's alleyways.

As he continued documenting and experimenting, somehow, the cat managed clawed him and unclasp his mask. He hisses in annoyance as pink mist fills the room, it didn't affect him, of course. But there was a good chance the cat was now dead. Which, honestly, he'd documented what he'd done, so he could just get another cat if he had to. He picks up his mask, clipping it back on and waiting for the miss to dissipate because he couldn't see at the moment.

Eventually, it does. He looks at the cat, glaring at it. Except it now wasn't a cat. Except it was. Except it was a demon- Except it looked like a cat. Exce--

Was he overthinking this?

The cat was no longer a cat, they were alive though, somehow. Just unconscious.

He stares for another moment and then produces his gear, placing a mine down next to the cat-demon thing. The mine makes its familiar 'be-be-beep' noise before exploding and thankfully poisoning the cat. Subspace grins beneath his mask, finishing the notes and going to annoy one of the higher-ups on his silly findings.

Because hes Subspace.

Word Count: 811

The first chapter ive posted on computer.

Consider this a sort of April Fools chapter even tho it was a joke request.

Phighting stuff, idk, lolWhere stories live. Discover now