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Skateboard x Sword (requested)


From when he had woken up at 8:15 to now, about 3ish, Skateboard had been in Phights. It was one of those days where he felt the need to speed around and ram into people and in general try and cause chaos. Currently the map was DODGEBALL! Which he was actually having fun on, performing tricks on every obstacle he saw and annoying the SFOTH out of the opposite team's Vinestaff. Finally the round ends, the word VICTORY briefly appearing in front of him, probably something that Flipside had came up with. Skateboard grins. "That was easy" E̶v̶e̶n̶ ̶t̶h̶o̶u̶g̶h̶ ̶i̶t̶ ̶h̶a̶d̶n̶'̶t̶ ̶b̶e̶e̶n̶ It was very easy, in fact! Skateboard hits one last trick before doing a victory lap, at that moment, his vision tunnelled and he felt dizzy, a moment later his vision decided to flicker and he crashed riiight into the wall. He felt a sharp pain go through his wrist as he landed on it. He bit back a yelp. But gods did that hurt.
"Hey, you okay?-"
Skateboard looks up, fixing his helmet with his non injured hand, the first thing he noticed was that the Phighter in front of him had a metal mohawk-type thing. Sword. Skateboard nods, standing up. "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm used to crashin'— not that I do it often—" He added on hurriedly. He really didn't want anyone to think he was bad at what he did. Because he wasn't. Except for that one time in the mall—.
Sword nods, smiling before extending a hand to help Skateboard up, his gear disappearing as he didn't need it anymore. Skateboard takes it, reaching with his other hand to grab his board which had skidded a bit but was still within his reach. He winces as a bolt of pain shoots out from his wrist and he immediately lets go of both Sword's hand and his board to cradle his wrist. "Ow— ow ow ow—" He mutters, wincing. Sword blinks at him, tilting his head to try and look at Skateboard's wrist.
"I think you might of broke it"
Skateboard looks up at him. "Doubt it. Haven't broken sumthin' in years—..." He trails off as he sees that his wrist was indeed twisted. "—nevermind"
Sword laughs softly, Skateboard smiles, briefly forgetting the pain in his wrist. "Do ya' think Med's still here?" He asked Sword, who shook his head.
"No, he left a bit ago, I could probably help you, though"
Skateboard looks at him. As far as he knew, Sword definitely wasn't a healer. "Eh— how?"
Sword shrugs. "I know how to set broken bones and bandage slashes, that's all I've really needed to learn for times when Meds' not with me."
"Did Med' teach you all that" for once Skateboard actually felt curious about the Phighter.
Sword looks confused. "What? No, my master taught me."
His curiosity grew, Skateboard realized he barely knew anything about Sword- except that he looked really good mid-Phight— but that wasn't the point- "who's your master?"
Skateboard stared at him. "As in the deity?"
"How the heck did you get him to teach you?—"
"He's my dad"
Sword laughed. "Yeah, I don't really clarify that I'm a demigod all that often, do I"
"Not at all-" Skateboard responded, wincing as the adrenaline from his crash finally wore off and his wrist started feeling like it had been dipped into the lava at Banland.
Sword glances at Skateboard before grabbing his non-injured hand and walking off. "Cmon, let's go back to my place, I can set your wrist there."
Skateboard nods almost immediately- he sort of liked how gentle Sword was being and— Gods he was not developing a crush—

(Time skip, they js talked the whole time on the way to Swords house I'll be honest, I had no idea wether to give Sword an apartment or house but like-  he's 24- and I think the Phights pay well???)

"Alright, we're here. Make yourself at home" Sword announced as he unlocked the door, flinging it open haphazardly.
Skateboard walks inside, regretfully letting go of Sword's hand and almost immediately collapsing agaisnt the wall into a half-stand as his vision tunnelled again.
"Woah, does that happen often to you or something?" Sword questioned, his instincts (not animalistic ones. Normal instincts) already prepared to catch Skateboard if he did collapse.
Skateboard huffs. "No. And I have absolutely zero idea why it's happenin' now. I feel like shit though."
Sword examined Skateboard for a moment, guiding him to sit on the couch in the living room. "Well, your eyes have bags under them, have you been sleeping?"
Skateboard gives Sword one of the most unamused looks ever. "Of course I've been gettin' enough sleep!"
Sword just grins, making Skateboard's cheecks flush. He was not getting a crush— (2nd time I've wrote this, ik)
"Sorry, just guessing. Have you been drinking water then?"
Skateboard stares at him blankly. "That's why I crashed earlier—"
Sword laughs slightly, briefly walking down the hall to retrieve bandages before returning and sitting to Skateboard's right so he could set his wrist. (I've never broken a bone, ik you need a cast but uh- idk, Sword's magic or smth and can just use bandages) "when was the last time you drank something?" He asked, lightly holding Skateboard's wrist with one hand, bandages in the other.
Skateboard shrugs. "I dunno'. Don't think I have drank somethin' tod— OW" Skateboards words cut off into a yelp mixed with a hiss as Sword abruptly snaps his wrist back into place.
"Sorry, it's better when you don't expect it"
"Still coulda' given me a warning'." Skateboard mumbles wincing as Sword tightly wrapped bandages on his wrist. Actually, more so his whole arm since it had been scraped against the wall.
"Yeah but then you would have expected it" Sword counters, slinging an arm around Skateboard's shoulder and pulling him close (extroverts be like lmao. Correct me if I'm wrong pls. I'm an introvert, people scare me *not actually*) Skateboard's face practically lit up like a Christmas tree (god I've always wanted to write that lol) Sword just chuckles, briefly pulling away to go retrieve a glass of water for Skateboard.
While Sword did that, Skateboard was questioning why he hadn't talked with this very H̶o̶t̶ unique Phighter sooner. He sighed as he started feeling dizzy again.
"You really need to start remembering to drink water, Skate'."
Skateboard blinked at the nickname, it felt different when Sword said it compared to Slingshot. "Yeah but the Phi—"
"Your mental and physical health are more important than Phights. Besides, keeping up your health will let you keep going to them" Sword counters, looking amused as he sits next to Skateboard again, handing him the glass of water (their hands briefly touching like the gays they were— ignore this if you want but I think it's funny if you imagine this in the fic) Skateboard chugs about half of the glass. (very tall glass, it's like the glass that is as long as the distance between your middle finger and quarter of your forearm that's closest to your wrist— WHY AM I EXPLAINING THIS. ITS A FANFIC—) "yeah, I am a lot more thirsty then I realized, thanks" Skate says, unconsciously leaning into Sword again. (just realized I'm ignoring his BROKEN WRIST)
"You haven't drank anything all day, of course you'd be thirsty"
"Shut it"
"Make me."
Skateboard just stares at Sword, his face heating up again.
Sword flashes him a grin before giving Skateboard a light kiss.
Skateboard was definitely going to be hanging out with Sword more.

Word count: 1280
Never thought I'd enjoy writing SkateSword, hope you guys enjoyed this tho.
Let me know if I did good pls

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