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platonic Iceblox fluff

their so wholesome, smol firefly and smol moth sleepover. Also, yes I am making the silly moth act younger than 15, it's fricking adorable


Icedagger was practically vibrating with excitement, he had made a new friend roughly a week back and he had finally convinced them to have a sleepover.

It was at their house because some scary pumpkin-deer-lady didn't trust all that much, which he didn't quite understand.

Icedagger kept checking the time, it was only about 15 minutes till he had to leave for Lightblox's place, but, to him, it was a very long 15 minutes. He was too happy and excited to occupy himself with anything else, so he just sat and waited, looking at the time practically 5 times every minute or so.

Eventually, after an eternity. Those 15 minutes had passed. Which meant he could finally go down to Crossroads. He had already packed awhile ago, and unpacked because he forgot if he had packed something, then repacked-- all in the span of those previous 15 minutes.

He darts outside, past the others. Firebrand had gathered all the other Swords' for some sort of meeting thing that he didn't care to partake in, normally he would, but they were also very boring without pie.

He shouts a goodbye before the others vanished from sight. Crossroads was already in sight, he just had to find the library.

Several demons glanced at him in surprise and he shrinks further into the fluff of his capes collar.

Eventually he reached the brown building that looked like it had books, so clearly it was the library. He hoped.

He hesitantly steps inside. It was warm, which must of been nice to most people, but he was practically wearing winter gear. Still, though, Icedagger was heavily reluctant to part with the familiar comfort of his cape.

The scary-deer-lady was at the front desk, marking something down on a sheet of paper. He reluctantly trots over, looking up at her. "...Hi?-..."

Ghosdeeri looks down at him. (Shes a whole foot taller)


"um- is Lightblox here?"

"She is on the second level down the hall to one of the few doors there are."

Icedagger took a moment to take in the directions, half of what he heard just seemed unintelligible till he repeated it in his mind. He nods briskly and darts off, slowing down ever so slightly when he heard the deer-lady tell him not to run in a library.

Once on the second-floor landing itself, he sets off down the semi-long hall, he saw about 4 doors, one of which had runes on it, but he didn't stop to read them, his gaze now drawn to the door that was painted a light pink with yellow dots and paler yellow star, he assumed this was Lightblox's room, because he doubted she knew runes. Partially because its mostly a dead language.

He raises his mostly-gloved hand, knocking on the door quietly.

He hears a meek "Come in"

He smiles slightly as he steps into the room, compared to the boring, quiet library, Lightblox's room was actually quite pretty. Clear glass globes hung from the ceiling with fireflies in them and the walls went through a pink to yellow gradient at the bottom. (WHY ISN'T GRADIENTED A WORD IM SO PISSED)

Lightblox looks up from the book she was holding, her face lighting up. "Your here!!" Said book gets flung aside unceremoniously as she hugs Icedagger, who accepts the hug after a moment of internal debate.
"Hi! Sorry if I'm a bit late—"
Lightblox blinks at him. "Don't worry! Ghosdeeri recommended me an actually good book so I wouldn't of even noticed if you were late"
"Who's Ghosdeeri?"
"Oh- the librarian- she takes care of me"
"The scary deer lady?"
Lightblox giggles. "She's not scary! She's actually quite nice!"
"She's scary" Icedagger repeats

Phighting stuff, idk, lolWhere stories live. Discover now