
470 11 17

More Subkit because my friend hates me bro.

uh, this is after the whole eye mishap, they ended up becoming friends/lovers again. I'm not writing that part because i have no idea how to write that sorta stuff without it being severely underwhelming and weird.

The scientist quickly darted out of his lab, breezing right past the Betagraft guard's. It was in their coding to recognize their Creator. Something he hadn't realized how useful it would prove up until just a couple weeks ago. He still couldn't believe he was friends with Medkit. Again. After all those years of hating him.
He sighs softly, his breath coming through the vents in his mask and turning to mist. Subspace winced feeling a sharp twinge run through his whole right side and arm.
He really needed to deal with that rot.
But he hadn't found a way yet.
Gods' did he hope there was one. There were still so many things he had to do for Blackrock.
But right now, he was late.
Much to his annoyance.
Subspace hated being late, to him, it felt like ripping his claws out with rusty pliers. The scientist finds himself grinning at the thought. That would make for a good test. Or torture method.
Oooh, or both.

Subspace walks onto a bus, death glaring the few stares thrown his way. He was the greatest in all of Blackrock, no one should question him.

Once at his stop, he walks off the bus, tail flicking beside him, the crystal between his horns glowing softly in the growing dark.
Normally, he hated leaving his Faction.
Besides, who would want to leave Blackrock? It was a glorious Faction! The best! The only reason they had struggled in the war agaisnt Playground was because they had been caught off guard, that was all.
Subspace's mind flicked through the other Faction.
Lost Temple was...well. It was okay. The whole cult thing going on with about major family in the Faction was a bit weird, but he could understand it! ...sorta.
He was unimpressed by Thieves Den. It was so flowery and boring. Why give the people who don't deserve a home, a home? What have they done for the Faction?
He wasn't sure why Hyperlaser liked visiting so much. Nor did he care.
If it wasn't about how great he was, he didn't care.
Actually- maybe if it involved Medkit he would care a little.
Banland- was it even a Faction? He didn't know much about it except that the warden was terrifying. And it was hot there.
And the warden was terrifying. And so was his weird demon-dog-hound thing.
Did he mention that the warden was terrifying?
Like just being the son of Windforce was bad enough. But also being a prison warden? And using a damn blindfold during Phights? Scary.

He stepped past the border of his Faction.

He'd rather not be late, but he had had work to do.
And if he didn't finish it, they might think he was a traitor.
The mere thought made him roll his eyes— eye?

Into a forest.

There were times he wished Medkit was allowed to come back to Blackrock. Although if he ever did, Korblox would probably torture him. Or gut him. Or just kill him when he saw him.
But that would be him feeling merciful.
Something Korblox wasn't known for.
"You're late."
By the Inphinity he hated how his heart jumped when he heard his voice. Medkit's voice.
He grins beneath his mask, walking over to where Medkit was sitting and hugging him tightly, his face buried into the crook of the other's neck.
"Sorry Meddy! Had work to finish."
"Still can't keep ontop of things, hm?"
"Well I keep ontop of you just fine—"
That earned him a swat on the head.
He didn't mind.
He could see Medkit's shoulders shaking slightly as he fought back laughter, his face flushed from realizing the meaning of Subspace's words.

They were in between Factions right now. It was the easiest way to meet without risking anything.
Subspace would sneak into Lost Temple with Medkit occasionally.
He never liked it. Those were the only times he had felt like a traitor.
He shuts down that train of thought.
He was the greatest. And he should be treated as such.

"What sort of work?"
Subspace blinks, not understanding. "Wha-?"
Medkit raises an eyebrow. "You said you had work you needed to finish. What sort of work."
"Oh! Crystals! And a bit of Biograft coding. It's really interesting! First I'll tell you aaaaaall about the new Biograft models I'm working on! It's really neat—..."

The scientist ends up rambling on about his work, Medkit listens quietly, his gaze drifting over Subspace.
The way the scientist held himself, it was with pride. But Medkit didn't have a PhD in medical care for nothing. He could seee the pain in the scientist's movements.
He winced at that.
Because it was his fault.
Yet also Subspace's, in a way. The two had always argued, which had been their work's downfall.
"How's the rot?" He asks, interrupting Subspace mid sentence on why he had gotten Hyperlaser to shoot a kid.
"The rot."
"Oh!— it's!-... fine I guess?...still hurts though..." the last part was mumbled.
Medkit sighs, pulling Subspace's mask down and giving him a quick kiss before resting his head against the scientist's shoulder.
"Would you be open to seeing if my crystals work on it?" He asks, his tail automatically twining itself around Subspace's.
"I- no. I've tried already, the rot goes away then comes back a couple hours later."
Medkit nods in understanding.

The two sit and talk for a while, making out at some point. Part of these visits with each other always reminded them of before the fight. When they were friends, both crushing on each other.

Word count: 1000. On the dot.
I hope y'all liked this. I think I'll post a rainfin chapter tonight aswell. Idk how to write Subkit, lol. Let me know how I did

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