Post-Concert Exhaustion

403 10 17

VALKBOX EEEEE also a request
I fucking love this ship so much oh my god I crave Valkbox and I love it and I love it and I lo—

After taking a bow to the crowd, both Valk and Dom step off the stage. Valk sighs, his gear disappearing as he got out of eyesight of the fans still cheering. He briefly removes his Valkyrie Helm and ruffling his hair before dragging his hands down his face. Valk had done roughly 7 back to back concerts with Dom, yet when he looked at his brother, he didn't seem all that tired. Then again. He hadn't gotten the best sleep the last few nights. He never thought appearing at Phights, hosting concerts, and having to go to the SFOTH family gatherings could be so tiring.
"We still have to do a meet and greet, Valk" Dom says, casting a glance at Valk who stares at him for a full 5 seconds.
"Please no"
"We have to—"
"We can't-"
"I'm too tired-"
"We can't. We both know this is required"
"Just this once?"
"We literally cant"
Valk groans, his wings folding in. Normally it was him who had to convince Dom to do the 'meet and greets' now it was switched. "Alright, let's get this over with so we can go home and I can sleep."
(Time skip idk how to write meet and greets nor have I ever been to one is this what they do after concerts? Idk I've also never been to a concert .-.)
Valk bites back a sigh as he finally finishes signing a fan's notebook- he had no desire whatsoever to know what was in the notebook because he remembered that that very same fan was a bit too obsessed with him last concert. "Can we go now?" He asks Dom, who looked annoyed probably just because a group of 5 demons had- in turn -asked him if he could wink.
"Yes, we can go"
"Finally" Valk sighs tiredly.
And then proceeds to get tackle-hugged by a lime-green horned Phighter, yelping in the process because he doesn't get tackled daily. (L iMaGiNe. Idk. I'm using funny writing humour)
Valk takes a moment to process what had just happened before realizing it was Boombox.
"Hi!" The Phighter chirps, with about twice as much energy as Valk usually had.
"Eh- hi, Boom'." Valk responds, standing up and brushing himself off as Boombox let go.
"You feelin' okay?"
"I'm probably the most tired demon at this concert"
"Oh-" Boombox stares at the idol for a moment, his visor flicking through about 5 different expressions before settling on ''-^-'
"Wanna come with me back to my place?" Valk asks, briefly looking around for Dom before realizing his brother had probably already left. He'd do that sometimes.
"Sure!" Boombox replies, grabbing Valk's hand and excitedly darting (WHY DID AUTO CORRECT MAKE IT 'FARTING'💀 PHUCK YOU AUTO CORRECT) off, forcing Valk to increase his pace to keep up.
(Time skip. I love music so much. Happy Easter btw!!!! *even tho it's 11 for me*)
Finally they were at Valk's house (that he shares with Dom bc yes) Valk unlocks the door, Boombox tapping him on the shoulder.
"Hm?—" The yellow horned demon then yelps for the second time that night as Boombox picks him up because he's stronk from Phights (STRONK. giggles like a phucking child) "Boom?—"
"Relax! You said you were tired so I thought I'd save ya' some walking!"
"My bedroom's only upstairs—"
"Let me do this for you" Boombox huffs, giving Valk a peck on the cheek.
"...fine, just this once"
Boombox grins, shifting Valk to hold him more comfortably before walking inside the house and up the stairs. And then up more stairs. And more stairs. And mo—
Boombox then takes a left into Valk's room, setting the idol down right in the middle of the giant stack of fluffy pillows shoved into the corner of the room where the bed was. (The pillows are on the bed, the bed is in the corner of the room, the pillows are shoved into a pile agaisnt the wall)
Valk sighs in content, taking a moment to relax the tension in his body, feeling a slight wave of pain go through him as he did so. (That's what happens to me when I try and relax after awhile. Is that normal? Please tell me it is-) He lets his wings spread out before sitting back up, grabbing Boombox's wrist, and tugging the Phighter down onto the pillow stack with him. Boombox landing unceremoniously sprawled next to Valk.
Valk giggles at the sight.
"Shush, you caught me off guard" Boombox huffs, burying his face into one of the pillows to hide his embarrassment.
"You participate in Phights almost daily and you still get caught off guard-?"
"Yes well I'm comfy right now and don't have a murder robot or demigod after me wanting me dead"
"Ah, so all I need to do is get a murder robot?"
"Please don't"
"I don't think I'd even be able to"
Boombox nods, grinning for some reason. "Yeah, probably not. From what I've seen, Subspace treats those robots like they mean the world to him— actually- they probably do-"
"Eh, I'm sure I could convince him to give me one"
"He ripped out his lab partner's eye"
"What-" Valk says sharply with bewilderment (haha I know cool words yes)
"Wanna watch a movie?" Boombox asks, completely diverting Valk's mind from several questions about Subspace.
"Sure, you pick" Valk responds.
Boombox nods, flicking on the TV in Valk's room (I'm jealous) and picking a random musical. (You guys should watch Chicago and Burlesque, their both surprisingly good musicals and oh my god I love them)
Valk observes before reaching out and cupping Boombox's cheek, kissing him. Boombox starts in surprise before melting into the affection, kissing back with just as much passion.
After both had run out of air, Valk pulls away, his face lights tinted with blush, smirking with amusement as he saw Boombox's visor displaying '@^@'.
"That was unexpected but not unpleasant" Boombox says after awhile.
Valk's smirk turns into a grin as he cuddles into Boombox's side, his wings wrapping around the other. "I like surprising you sometimes"
Boombox smiles, nuzzling into Valk's neck as he turns on the musical/movie. "You should surprise me like that more often"
"I'll make a mental note to do that" Valk responds, already feeling his exhaustion catching up to him again.
Not even 20 minutes into the movie, Valk had drifted off, partial thanks to Boombox practically being a living heat source.
Boombox takes notice and switches off the TV, slipping under the covers with Valk, pulling his love closer, and also eventually drifting off.

Word Count: 1137
I love this ship so much ik I've said this but I just- ITS SO WHOLESOME AAAAAAA
Also I'm tryna put more fluff (see: horny) stuff in because the past ship chapters have barely had shit in 'em.


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