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No ships, all Zuka in this is younger Zuka, so he hasn't gone Emo yet (sorry, had to make that joke)
+3rd person+ (or Zukas POV, I genuinely don't know anymore)

Zuka was originally on his way home from his shop after making a couple repairs on his bazooka, it often got banged up from how reckless he was in Phights. But hey, he'd still win 'em!
The Blackrockian pauses as he hears a slight whimper. His eyes narrow beneath his shades and he automatically walks towards the noise.
Something was curled up, fetal position, in the corner of an alley. Zuka walks over to it, debating on kicking it with his boot to see if it was alive. (KICK THE BABY— Don't kick the baby— IVAN YOU BROKE ANOTHER WINDOW!!)
The small figure looks up at him, his face smudged with dirt. Zuka frowns at it. (Them) "What are you, a rat?"
The demon just whimpers curling in on themselves.
Zuka did not like being ignored.
Not at all.
The Blackrockian reaches out and grabs the kid by the collar of his shirt, lifting them to eye level. They looked nearly fresh out of the spawn, maybe 10 and a month.
The demon struggles, fear taking over their features. Zuka watches, unamused, before unceremoniously dropping the kid.
"Where're your parents? And why the hell are they lettin' ya walk around lookin' like that"
The kid whimpers, trembling. "I— I don't have any—..."
Zuka blinks. No. He was not going to feel sympathy— he refused—

Zuka stares at the kid for a moment before sighing. "Alright. Come on." He easily hoists the kid to their feet, surveying them.
"When's the last time ya' ate?"
Zuka looks down at the kid, who seemed to be struggling to remember.
"A week—?"
Zuka sighed. "How the Inpherno do you not have parents?" (I think Inpherno means hell)
The kid shrugs. "No one was thewr to get me"
Zuka begins to walk, full stride, forgetting that the kid was a kid.
After a moment he stops and turns, seeing the kid several paces behind. He huffs before walking back and picking them up.
"Do ya' have a name, kid?"
Zuka grins slightly. Another rocket user.
"Ever used your gear?
Rocket nods
"To get food"
Zuka takes a moment to process this. "As in you threatened someone?"
Rocket looks confused, not understanding the words.
"Did you point your gear at them."
Zuka winces. The kid reminded him of himself, chaotic. "Alright, do ya' know what you want to eat?"
"I doubt you'll be able to chew those properly—"
"Alright, alright."
Zuka makes his way through Crossroads, ignoring the looks that demons gave him. "What faction are ya' from?"
Zuka bites back a growl. Blackrock and Playground weren't on the best of terms at the moment. Still, it wasn't the kids fault. "Blackrock"
Rocket looks intruiged. "Da spooky one?"
Zuka barks out a laugh. "Sure, kid"

Eventually Zuka reaches the place with ribs. (I genuinely forget what it's called) He walks over to a seat, completely ignoring the fact he should wait to be seated, after a moment a waiter comes over and asks for his order, ignoring the babbling child.
"Three plates of ribs."
The waiter nods walking off, Zuka's gaze flicks over to Rocket who was staring at him.
The kid reaches out and plucks off Zuka's shades with a giggle, trying to put them on. Zuka cracks a grin.
"I don't think those'll fit ya'."
"Spawkwy." Came the kids response.
Zuka laughs, shaking his head. "After we eat, I'll see if I can get ya' your own shades, deal?"
Rocket smiles happily.
Zuka takes back his shades, idly wiping them off on his bandana before putting them back on.
A cleared throat is heard from a booth across, Zuka looks up, noticing an orange horned demon scowling at him.
"The Inpherno' is it."
"Take better care of your child!"
Zuka lifts his shades to glare more effectively at the woman. "One, he's not mine, two, mind your own damn business."
The demon just seems to get more angry. "So you kidnapped him?"
Zuka sighs. Some people were idiots. He stands up, crossing his arms and looking down at the demon. "No I didn't kidnap him. Now phuck off before I make ya' regret it."
The woman doesn't take the very obvious hint. "Oh, now you're threatening me?? I bet you did kidnap that child, just look at his horns! All disheveled, like his tattered clothes! You probably threatened him to look happy!"
Zuka growls softly. He was known for running out of patience and letting his temper take control. His gear appears in his hands and he promptly levels it with the lady. "Mind. Your own. Phuckin'. Business."
The demon pales, slaps some BUX on her table and leaves hurriedly.
Zukas gear dissapears and he sits back down, smirking as he sees Rocket's expression. The kid looked in awe.
"You're also a rocket user, right?"
The kid nods.
"You'll be able to scare people off like that then, one day"
Rockets eyes practically glow with wonder, Zuka chuckles.

The waiter comes back with the ribs, setting them all down in front of Zuka, Zuka tips the waiter before sliding a plate over to Rocket.
To Rocket, Christmas had came early. He had food.
Zuka watches as the kid tears into the ribs, already finishing one and trying to bite the bone.
"Kid, I don't think that'd edib—"
Rocket somehow managed to break the bone, continuing to gnaw at it.
Zuka watches, impressed, then finally starts eating.
(Time skip, they're both done eating, Rocket got the second plate of ribs, lol.)

Zuka stands up, helping Rocket up from the seat before lifting the kid onto his shoulders, paying at the till before leaving.
"Next things next, let's get your horns cleaned up, I can barely see 'em through all that dirt" Zuka comments, heading to the nearest barber. (Is that where they'd wash, trim, and dye horns? Idk. In Soda's drawings she's shown Rocket just doing it at home)
Once inside the building, a barber sits Rocket in a very tall chair, the kid, naturally, squirms. A lot.
"How would you like your horns done?" The barber, a pale pink demon with blue accents in her clothes, asks.
Rocket points at Zuka and the barber nods, getting to work.
Zuka, meanwhile was leaning against the wall when a demon with one horn an eye melting shade of pink, the other a very violent yellow, walks up to him.
"Hi! I'm Elixir, I love your shades! They're so pretty!"
Zuka just stares at the demon, who continues chatting away.
At some point Zuka lifts his shades and stares the lady down, she eventually gets the point and walks off to go flirt with another guy.
"All done!" A voice announces
Rocket looks in the mirror the barber was holding up for him, his horns had been trimmed, polished, shaped and cleared of any scratches or dirt.
"Spaaaarkwy" Rocket breathes, hopping out of the chair and hugging the barber.
Rocket then runs over to Zuka, tugging on his sleeve.
Zuka looks down, grinning as he sees Rocket's horns. "I like it, kiddo."
Zuka pays the barber, aswell as thanking her before leaving the shop.
"Ya' still need some proper clothes." Zuka comments, Rocket looking down at him from his shoulder perch.

They go shopping, with Rocket getting Zuka to buy any shirt that was explosion related.
Zuka also got Rocket a matching pair of shades, much to the smaller's delight.

Rocket was finally looking less orphan-like. Except that he was still covered in dirt. But that was an easy fix.

"Yknow, I like ya', kid. I think I might let ya' stay with me for a bit" Zuka says, now walking to his home with Rocket.
Rocket grins. "Youwr my dadda!!"
Zuka ponders this for a moment before grinning. "Sure, kid."

Once in the house, Zuka runs a bath for Rocket, plopping him in the water, he had a phone call to make.

Broker, who was currently hiding out in Lost Temple, was delighted to receive a call from Zukes'.
'Hello? Who is this?'
'It's me, Broker.'
'Oh! Zuka! Never would have thought I'd get a call from you! What do you need?'
'Do ya' have any more stupid jobs ya' need me to do?'
'I'll always have jobs for you, Zukes'!!'
'Don't call me that.'
'Whatever you say, Zukes!'
'Anyways. I need more jobs.'
'What for?'
'Nothing important to you.'
'Alright, alright, it's a shame you're being a party pooper but I can hook you up with more jobs!'
'Alright, thanks, Broker.'
'Anytime, Zukes!!'
'Stop. Calling me. That.'
'Sure! Toodles!!'

Zuka sighs, setting down the phone, he hated Broker but the demon payed well, besides, he had A feeling he'd need the money if he was going to keep Rocket. Speaking of which, he had almost forgotten the little gremlin was in the tub.

(Extra bit!!! Broker was meeting up with Zuka so he could tell him which jobs he had. When he knocked about 50 times, the door was answered by a demon- but not Zuka, a small blue demon.
Broker grins down at the kid before bursting his way into the house. "Zukes! I didn't know you got a kid! You never stuck me as the type to give up your gear!!"
Zuka walks into the room, already feeling a headache coming on. He crosses his arms, looking at the stupid grin Broker wore.
"I didn't. I found him on the streets."
Broker blinks, looking at Rocket who was watching the conversation with curiosity.
"Oh! Is that why you need the jobs?"
Zuka nods, casually tossing Rocket a chocolate bar.
"Well, since I like you, I'll double your pay for the jobs!" Broker exclaims, the cuff on his wrist jingling.)

Word count: 1675

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