Restaurant Chaos

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(Help I forgot how to spell restaurant and i had to use autocorrect. WHY IS IT SPELT THAT WAY. WHY NOT RESTERAUNT)

3rd person (?)

Firebrand was having a rather boring day, he had already mortal watched, tried not to burn said mortals when he dropped down to say hello, and then had to focus on reigning in Windforce's anger that someone had insulted her son. Why did Windforce feel the need that she had to smite  some random demon for calling Banhammer a powerless prick he had no idea.

Nevertheless, he had just came up with the best idea—

Forcing— no- taking all the other deities' to a restaurant,


It totally wouldn't backfire.

At all.

He hoped—
But first he had to round them all up- ...yay...—
(Time skip. Essentially, Firebrand harassed Windforce, interrupted Darkhearts fishing, scared tf out of Sword when he popped out of nowhere to get Venomshank, ruined the quiet in the library while hunting down Ghostwalker, texted Ice dagger, which was easy enough and managed to find Illumina before he could threaten more people.)

"Where are we even going?" Windforce complained as she walked half a pace behind Firebrand. As much as the deity would love to overtake her brother in walking, she had no idea what they were doing. All Firebrand had said is that he had a surprise- and last time he had said that a forest had been set on fire because he thought camping with his sister and Icedagger (babysitting, lol) would be a good idea.
"We're going to a restaurant!" Firebrand responds cheerfully.
Ghostwalker finally payed attention to the conversation. "We don't need to eat."
Firebrand shrugs, ignoring the anxious look that had appeared on Icedaggers face, he forgot the smaller deity was an introvert. "So? It's for fun! And I swear to the Inpherno, Darkheart. If you start a fight with Illumina, I will remove your fishing privileges." An empty threat, Darkheart could just manifest more rods.
"Why are you telling us that? It's Illumina who had anger issues." Darkheart responds, ignoring the death glare that Illumina gave him.
Firebrand sighs. "Just- don't. We're almost there anyways."
-time skip to when their at the restaurant and seated at a table (help I just struggled 6 times trying to write timeskip)-

In the kitchen and practically the whole restaurant itself, the waiters, cooks, and restaurant owner were all having a mini panic attack because all 7 of the SFOTH deities were in the building. Hell, it was rare just to get one or two of them. But 7? Next to impossible. (Sort of like a max Swords' event on a 66.6 round)
Eventually, the waiter, a silver horned demon —who had probably dyed her horns that colour in the first place— went over to go take their orders. Which was a lot more chaotic than expected.
"Hello! I will be your waiter, my name is Wreath." (I had trouble finding a good roblox gear for her lol. Also she's not an oc)
Firebrand looked down at Wreath (height difference) smiling slightly. Wreath, on the other hand, felt slightly overwhelmed by Windforce's presence.
Wreath looked away from Windforce and back to Firebrand "Eh— may I take your order, sir?-" She had to mentally stop herself from saying 'your Highness' actually- she probably should of said 'your Highness' crap—
Firebrand nods, his hands were resting on the wooden table, unconsciously burning through it because he was so used to things that were fireproof. "Sure! Can I have a steak? And preferably make sure it's charred, please."
Wreath nods, writing it down on her notepad (HELP HOW DO YOU WRITE RESTAURANT INTERACTIONS S O B) "mhm! How charred would you like it?"
Firebrand blinks at her before replying. "All the way. Charred."
Wreath took a moment to process this before underlining the words charred on her notepad and looking at Windforce, trying to ignore the fact that the deity was in full armour, including her helm. Before she could ask for her order Windforce spoke. "Your entire dinner menu." Wreath stares at Windforce. "A-are you sure? That's like 46 ite—"
"Did I stutter? I've asked for the entire dinner menu."
Wreath nods quickly, afraid that she might get killed, or smited, or dismembered, or— by the Inphinity, she really needed to stop thinking about ways she could die to Windforce's claws.
Wreath hesitates, turning to Venomshank, who still hadn't unlocked or removed his mask. "Your order?"
"Raw meat. And no, I don't mean slightly cooked. Completely raw."
Wreath was seriously regretting going to take the deities' orders. They all seemed to have some quirk that made their preferences nowhere near normal. "Okay then- does it matter what type of meat?-"
"Not really. Preferably anything except fish."
Wreath nods. Just Darkheart, Illumina, Icedagger and Ghostwalker to deal with now.
Saying as Darkheart was sitting next to Venomshank, Wreath looked at him. "And what would you like?" (Also, yes I'm ignoring the fact that you're supposed to order drinks before actual food.)
"We would like two stacks of pancakes."
Wreath stared at Darkheart for a moment. "We?—"
All she got in response was the feeling that Darkheart was staring right into her soul,his usual Cheshire cat grin never leaving his face. (Darkheart keeps his eyes shadowed under his hat so no one can see them)
—Wreath quickly averted her gaze and wrote down the deity's order "pancakes it is- although, you do realize it's 5pm right?"
Darkhearts grin flickered for a moment before returning. Wreath quickly walked to the other end of the table where Icedagger was seated, happily colouring away on one of those silly colouring sheets they give kids. (look, I know he's mentally 15- but like- smol moth child colouring was too cute to resist)
"Icedagger-" Firebrand calls to get the smaller deity's attention.
"Hm?" Icedagger finally looks up, completely oblivious to Wreath standing next to him with her notepad at the ready.
"The Waitress-." Firebrand says, his hands still on the table which was smoking by this point.
Icedagger makes a sort of squeak/yelp in surprise when he looks over and sees the demon standing right next to him. Wreath flinches slightly. "Sorry if I scared you- uh- your order?—"
Icedagger, who had successfully buried his face in the fluff on his jacket, slowly peeked out. "...32 glasses of icewater."
Wreath double takes, thinking she hadn't heard the deity correctly. "Sorry-?"
This just made Icedagger's nerves worse, Windforce had taken notice and had slowly turned her head to stare at Wreath. (Mother Windforce real lol)
Wreath just quickly writes down Icedaggers order, moving on before Windforce did something like destroying the building for upsetting Icedagger.
Who was actually rather annoyed he had to wait for almost everyone else's orders.
"What do you want to order?"
"Salmon." (I ASKED 4 PEOPLE WHAT HE WOULD ORDER AT A RESTAURANT (i showed them a Drawing I did), ONE PERSON SAID SALMON, ONE SAID FISH, ONE SAID ALUMINIUM FOIL (which I promptly hit them for *they were a friend don't worry*) AND ANOTHER A L S O SAID SALMON. SO THATS WHY)
Wreath nods, preparing to turn to Ghostwalker, who was reading and ignoring literally everything.
"But would you consider becoming a Follower of mine?"
Wreath blinks. "I have a boyfriend."
Darkheart laughs, never had he seen Illumina look confused yet pissed off.
"That's not what becoming a Follower means—"
"Illumina, for our sake, just shut up" Darkheart cuts in. Illumina starts to make a retort but stops as Firebrand glares at both of them. "Start arguing and I'll make both your lives a living hell."
That shut them up surprisingly quickly. Although they actually knew that Firebrand wasn't joking because his eye had started to flare. (I think that's canon? Idk, in one of Sodas designs of him his eye can flare) Illumina subsides into muttered threats directed to Darkheart while Darkheart resumes in his conversation with Venomshank (no ships are intended in this btw)
Finally Wreath walks over to Ghostwalker, who was still reading. How many pages were even in that book??
"Uh- sorry to interrupt your reading but what do you want to order?"
Ghostwalker looks up. "Spaghetti."
Wreath hesitates for a moment. "How will you eat it though?-"
Ghostwalker pauses, probably having a mental crisis.
"Nevermind—" With that, Ghostwalker resumes his book and Wreath heads off to the kitchen to deposit the 7 orders she had taken.
While in the kitchen, the chefs heard a faint, startled yelp as the table finally caught fire. Although it was quickly put out.

When the deities' had finally finished eating (chugging icewater in Icedaggers case) they pay, tip a concerning amount, and leave. Also the dishwashers were in despair because of the amount of dishes they had to clean solely from Windforce ordering the entire dinner menu.

Anyways, I still have my writing skills!! :D
I hope you enjoyed this chapter and feel free to request.

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